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Greek thassos marble


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Greek thassos marble

The Greek island of Thassos is the source of fine, pure white marble known as Thassos white marble. Greek and Roman architecture and sculpture made considerable use of the highly valued white marble from Thassos.
Thassos marble has been utilized for luxury building and ornamental purposes all over the world in more recent times.The fine grain, strong compressive strength, and beautiful white hue of Thassos marble are its distinguishing features.
It is frequently utilized for architectural and ornamental components such as flooring, countertops, wall cladding, and statuary.
Marble is a great material for both indoor and outdoor use because it is strong, easy to polish, and resistant to weathering.

The island's distinct geological makeup, which includes an almost total lack of contaminants and an extraordinarily high concentration of calcite crystals, is what accounts for its purity. Marble is a very desirable material for both interior and outdoor uses because of its fine-grained texture and excellent compressive strength.

المادة: رخام ثاسوس
ألواح صغيرة: 180-240*60/70 سم*2/3/4 سم
ألواح كبيرة: 120-180*240-300*2/3/4 سم
موك: 100 متر مربع


The Enduring Allure of Thassos White Marble

A beautiful island in the northern Aegean Sea, Thassos has long been known for its extraordinary pure white marble resources. Greece’s and other countries’ architectural and creative landscapes have been profoundly influenced by this glossy natural stone, which has been valued since antiquity. Thassos white marble is an incredibly exceptional stone because of its unmatched beauty, robustness, and rich cultural legacy.
The unique geological origins of Thassos marble are at the core of its legacy. Ancient limestone formations underwent continuous compression and heating that turned the island’s bedrock into a unique kind of metamorphic rock known as Thassos marble millions of years ago. The Thassos variety of marble stands out due to its flawless, spotless whiteness, in contrast to many other marbles that may have faint veining or staining.

Thassos Marble in the Modern Era

The island’s distinct geological makeup, which includes an almost total lack of contaminants and an extraordinarily high concentration of calcite crystals, is what accounts for its purity. Marble is a very desirable material for both interior and outdoor uses because of its fine-grained texture and excellent compressive strength.

Thassos marble has remained a top choice for architectural and construction projects in the contemporary era, appearing in high-end structures and private homes all over the world. Because of its classic appeal, it is a standard feature in upscale architectural and interior design projects, where its beautiful veining and brilliant white color offer the ideal backdrop for artistic expression.The use of Thassos marble in the construction of the famous Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest structure in the world, is among the most noteworthy instances of the material’s ongoing significance. The marble’s unmatched toughness and capacity to withstand weathering made it the perfect material for the tower’s external cladding, guaranteeing that its brilliant white face would continue to be a remarkable sight for many years to come.

The Global Reach of Thassos Marblea

The marble from Thassos is highly sought after on the international market today, and its influence goes well beyond Greece’s boundaries. The processing plants and quarries on the island are still doing strong, shipping their valuable cargo to affluent customers in the US, Europe, the Middle East, and other regions.The ongoing popularity of Thassos marble is demonstrated by its widespread appeal, which has allowed it to hold onto its reputation as a symbol of excellence and prestige despite the globe being more interconnected. Marble’s unmatched durability and timeless beauty entice architects, designers, and homeowners to use it in a variety of projects spanning the commercial, residential, and institutional architectural domains.

The thassos white marble for countertops

The use of Thassos white marble for upscale bathroom and kitchen countertops has increased dramatically in the last several years. A variety of interior design styles are complemented by the stone’s elegant, sophisticated appearance, which is created by its smooth, polished surface and pure, immaculate appearance. However, Thassos marble’s allure extends beyond appearances; its remarkable hardness and resilience to heat, stains, and scratches make it an extremely practical and long-lasting option for busy living areas. Technological developments in manufacturing processes have also made it possible to produce large-format, smooth Thassos marble countertops that improve the overall look. There’s no denying that Thassos marble countertops are popular, with homeowners always looking for the best materials.

The Future of Thassos Marble

Thassos marble has remained a top choice for architectural and construction projects in the contemporary era, appearing in high-end structures and private homes all over the world. Because of its classic appeal, it is a standard feature in upscale architectural and interior design projects, where its beautiful veining and brilliant white color offer the ideal backdrop for artistic expression.The use of Thassos marble in the construction of the famous Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest structure in the world, is among the most noteworthy instances of the material’s ongoing significance. The marble’s unmatched toughness and capacity to withstand weathering made it the perfect material for the tower’s external cladding, guaranteeing that its brilliant white face would continue to be a remarkable sight for many years to come.  

الحجم القياسي الشعبي: 

(we can cut different sizes according to the customer’s requirements.)
1) لوح: 250upx130up، 240upx60،70،80،90 سم
2) floor & wall cladding: 60×60(24”x24”) , 30.5×30.5(12”x12”), 45.7×45.7(18”x18”)
3) درجة الدرج والناهض: 150 × 33 × 3 و 150 × 15 × 2 سم
4) كونترتوب المطبخ وسطح الغرور: 96 بوصة × 26 بوصة × 2 و 49 بوصة × 22 بوصة × 2 سم



كونترتوب المطبخ

قمة الغرور

12 × 12 بوصة

(305X305 أو 300X300)

1000 (أعلى) * 600 (أعلى)

96 بوصة × 36 بوصة

25 بوصة × 22 بوصة

24 بوصة × 12 بوصة

(610X305 أو 600X300)

1000 (أعلى) * 700 (أعلى)

96 × 25 1/2 بوصة

31 بوصة × 19 بوصة / 22 بوصة

24 بوصة × 24 بوصة

(610X610 أو 600X600)

1000 (أعلى) * 900 (أعلى)

96 بوصة × 16 بوصة

37 بوصة × 19 بوصة / 22 بوصة

18 بوصة × 18 بوصة

 (457 × 457)

1800 (أعلى) * 1200 (أعلى)

78 بوصة × 36 بوصة

49 بوصة × 19 بوصة / 22 بوصة


 2400 (أعلى) * 1200 (أعلى)

78 × 25 1/2 بوصة

61 بوصة × 19 بوصة / 22 بوصة



72 بوصة × 36 بوصة

73 بوصة × 19 بوصة / 22 بوصة


وفقا لطلبك

حسب الرسم الخاص بك

السُمك: 10 ملم؛ 12 ملم؛ 15 ملم؛ 18 ملم؛ 20 ملم؛ 25 ملم؛ 30 ملم؛ 35 ملم؛ 40 ملم؛ 45 ملم؛ 50 ملم؛ إلخ.


شركة ESTA لتعبئة ومعالجة الرخام

خصائص الأرضيات الرخامية

تعتبر المنازل ذات الأرضية الرخامية خيارًا متعدد الاستخدامات وذو قيمة عالية في مشاريع التصميم الداخلي. إنه يمنحنا الحرية في اختيار العناصر الزخرفية وإنشاء بيئات مختلفة تمامًا فيما بينها باستخدام مادة واحدة تضيف المزيد من الجودة والتصميم إلى أي غرفة.

على الرغم من توفر العديد من خيارات بلاط الأرضيات الرخامية في الوقت الحاضر، إلا أن جودة وأصالة ملمس الأرضيات الرخامية Gris Pulpis لا مثيل لها. 

ألوان الأرضيات الرخامية

تتطلب أرضية المطبخ الرخامي أو أرضية الحمام الرخامي أو أرضية غرفة المعيشة الرخامية تشطيبات وظلال مختلفة اعتمادًا على خصائص المساحات وجوهرها. وبالتالي، عند اختيار الرخام، سيكون لديك مجموعة واسعة من الأنواع التي ستسمح لك بالعثور على النوع الذي يناسب شخصيتك ونظام الألوان لمشاريعك.

أرضيات من الرخام الأبيض

سيكون بلاط الأرضيات الرخامي الأبيض هو النسخة الأكثر بساطة من هذا الحجر الطبيعي. يبرز نجاح أرضية المطبخ من الرخام الأبيض وأرضية الحمام من الرخام الأبيض في السنوات الأخيرة مع كون بلاط الأرضيات الرخامي من كارارا هو الأكثر تمثيلاً لهذا الاتجاه. ومع ذلك، فقد أشبع هذا الاتجاه عالم التصميم الداخلي، آخذًا الأصالة والابتكار من هذا النوع من المشاريع.

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