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Crystal Emperador Marble Slab


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Light Emperador Marble

Light Emperador Marble

Esta Stone’s Polished Light Emperador Marble, the most demanded product of impressive projects, has many uses, from residential to commercial buildings. Light Emperador Crystal Yellow Marble is a famous marble in the stone business. From private villa or palace projects to big hotel or mall projects, it is one of the preferred materials

  1. Material: Turkish Crystal Light Emperador Marble Slabs
  2. Marble Color: Light Emperador Marble, Crystal Emperador Marble
  3. ألواح الرخام —(180-300)*(60-90)*2/3/4 سم
  4. ألواح المنشار-(240-300)*(120-180)*2/3/4 سم
  5. السطح: مصقول
  6. موك: 300 متر مربع
  7. مصنع الرخام الطبيعي: استا ستون
  8. Usages: Esta Stone’s low price natural Marble Slabs are excellent for the interior floors, walls, stairs, and vanity tops for any building project.
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