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terrazzo stones supplier


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Terrazzo Stone

Terrazzo stone is a composite material that is frequently utilized for countertops and floors. It is made out of small pieces of glass, different kinds of stone, or other elements embedded in a cement or epoxy binder. Terrazzo stone has a rich history and has been utilized for ages in many different global cultures.

Terrazzo stone is made by pouring a cement or epoxy mixture onto a surface that has been prepared, then embedding ornamental chips into the wet slurry. After that, the surface is polished and ground to produce a uniformly smooth finish. Numerous chip and color combinations allow for customization of terrazzo stone, opening up a world of creative options.

Marble Colors: White Terrazzo Stone

Floor and Wall Tiles Size:12′ X 12″,12′ X 24″, 24′ X 24″etc
السُمك: 10، 18، 20، 30 ملم
السطح: مصقول، شحذ

مصنع بلاط الرخام الطبيعي: استا ستون

التطبيق: توفر Esta Stone أكثر من 100 حجر رخام طبيعي لمشاريع الأرضيات والجدران الداخلية، مثل الفنادق ومباني المكاتب ومراكز التسوق والمنتجعات الصحية والمطاعم.

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