Antique Surface Crema Marfil Marble Tiles For Floor and Wall Projects
The Crema Marfil marble slabs are the embodiment of timeless elegance. Extracted from the best quarries in Spain, these slabs showcase an exquisite blend of golds and beiges, making them a celebrated choice for both commercial and residential properties. The transformative potential of these slabs or Antique Crema Marfil Marble Floor Tiles extends beyond conventional polished finishes, featuring acid and brushed treatments that enhance the surface’s functionality and visual appeal.
Whether employed as Crema Marfil polished marble tiles on an expansive floor or used as Crema Marfil honed tiles for a subtle, matte finish on kitchen countertops, the versatility of these tiles is truly remarkable. They effortlessly accentuate different design schemes, offering a sense of continuity and balance, particularly when paired with complementary elements such as wood or metal.
The Timeless Elegance of Crema Marfil Marble Tiles – Redefining Design Standards
Classic in every sense of the word, the Crema Marfil classic marble tile has a charm that transcends fleeting design trends. Its understated elegance can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones, especially when used as marble tile Crema Marfil applications in bathrooms and kitchens.
Стандартни размери на естествени мраморни подови и стенни плочки
Име на продукта: | Мраморни плочки Crema Marfil |
Популярни размери: | 1)Big slab: 2400 upx1200up mm, thickness 1.6cm, 1.8cm, 2.0cm. 2)Vanity top: 25 “x22”, 31 “x22”, 37 “x22”, 49 “x22”, 61 “x22″, etc. Thickness 3/4″, 1/4” Any drawing can be customized. 3)Countertop: 96″x26″, 108″x26″, 96″x36″, 72″x36″, 72″x36″, 96″x16 “ect Thickness 3/4″, 1/4” Any drawing can be made. 4)Stair Step: 100-150×30-35×2/3cm Riser100-150×12-17×2/3cm |
Плочки: 1) 305 x 305 x 10 mm или 12″ x 12″ x 3/8″ 2) 406 x 406 x 10mm or 16″ x 16″ x 3/8″ 3) 457 x 457 x 10 mm или 18″ x 18″ x 3/8″ 4) 300 x 600 x 20 mm или 12″ x 24″ x 3/4″ 5) 600 x 600 x 20 mm или 24 "x 24" x 3/4 "ect потребителски размери. |
Подробности за качеството: | 1) Polished degree: 95 degrees or up. 2) Толеранс на дебелината: +/-0,5 мм. 3) Диагонален толеранс: +/-1 мм. 4) Толеранс на плоскостта на повърхността: +/-0,3 мм. 5) Толеранс на вертикалността на съседния ръб: +/-0,5 мм, Прецизно рязане с машина за рязане с инфрачервени лъчи. |
Повърхностно покритие: | Polished, flamed, honed, bush hammeredsandblast, chisselled. |
Leathered Surface of Crema Marfil Marble Floor and Wall Tiles
Similarly, the Crema Marfil marble floor tile has the power to redefine any space. Whether chosen for its durability or its aesthetic allure, this flooring option is both a practical and visually stunning choice. Its heat, stain, and scratch-resistant properties ensure longevity, making it an ideal solution for high-traffic areas like entryways and dining rooms.
Crema Marfil Leathered Marble Tiles offer an intriguing texture to any design project, lending a distinctive character and tactile appeal. Alternatively, Crema Marfil Marble Flooring Tiles enhance the sense of space and light, owing to their neutral hue and light-reflecting polished surface.
For those wishing to instill a sense of serenity in their bathroom spaces, Crema Marfil Marble Bathroom Tiles deliver an undeniably soothing aesthetic. Their warm and inviting shades of beige serve to create a relaxing atmosphere, making them the perfect choice for a spa-like bathroom environment.
In contrast, the Crema Marfil Spanish Marble Tiles incorporate traditional European elegance into modern design schemes. These tiles carry the legacy of Spanish artistry and craftsmanship, a testament to their lasting popularity in interior design worldwide.
Esta Stone, a renowned supplier, offers these premium marble tiles in a range of sizes to cater to various interior decoration projects. Sizes for floor applications generally include 12″x12″, 18″x18″, and 24″x24″, while backsplash and wall cladding sizes range from 2″x4″, 3″x6″ to 4″x12″.
Here are some of the best FAQs of Crema Marfil Marble Tiles, which you many care about:
What is the nature and origin of Crema Marfil marble? Crema Marfil is a distinctive variety of marble, which is essentially metamorphosed limestone, extracted from specific quarries located in Spain. This marble variety is appreciated worldwide for its warm, creamy white color, subtly enriched by delicate veins of tan and brown, imparting a sophisticated and timeless look.
What makes Crema Marfil marble tiles a preferred choice? Crema Marfil marble tiles have earned popularity due to their durability, easy maintenance, and timeless elegance. The affordability factor of these tiles also plays a significant role in comparison to other marble variants, making them a sought-after option for interior design projects.
Can you enumerate some of the applications of Crema Marfil marble tiles? Crema Marfil marble tiles can be effortlessly incorporated into a range of settings, given their versatility and aesthetic appeal. Some of the primary applications include:
- Flooring for kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, and hallways.
- Creating stunning backsplashes and countertops.
- Accentuating fireplaces.
- As an aesthetic enhancement for staircases.
What are the recommended care and maintenance practices for Crema Marfil marble tiles? Maintaining Crema Marfil marble tiles is relatively straightforward. Routine cleaning with a damp cloth is sufficient to keep them gleaming. If necessary, a mild soap and water solution can be used for deeper cleaning. Remember, marble is sensitive to acidic substances, so it’s crucial to avoid cleaners with such ingredients.
What potential issues might Crema Marfil marble tiles encounter? Being a natural stone, Crema Marfil marble tiles are prone to staining and scratching. However, with proper care and preventative measures, these potential issues can be easily avoided. It’s advisable to seal the tiles periodically to enhance their resistance against staining and etching.
Where is the best place to purchase Crema Marfil marble tiles? Crema Marfil marble tiles can be procured from a variety of retail outlets, both physical and online. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research before making a purchase to ensure that you’re receiving high-quality tiles from a reliable and reputable source.
Professional Natural Marble Tiles Factory
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Но кварцитът изобщо не се ецва от нормалните кухненски киселини. Нито едно малко парченце! Кварцитът има различна порьозност. Някои от тях, като Тадж Махал или Морската перла, са силно метаморфозирани и минералите са плътно свързани помежду си.
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Почистващи препарати за кварцови плотове, които трябва да избягвате Повечето домакински почистващи препарати, които обикновено използвате за бързо почистване, като Windex, оцет и кърпички Lysol (някои от които съдържат белина), не са добра идея за кварцови плотове. Оцетът е много киселинен и може да доведе до обезцветяване или разпадане на кварца.
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Най-добрите продукти за запечатване на кварцитни плотове са изработени от естествен восък, полиуретани или акрилни материали. Макар че те са лесни за нанасяне, бързо се износват и изискват постоянно запечатване. Ако се нуждаете от уплътнител, който не се износва бързо, изберете такъв, изработен от силикони или други вещества, които отблъскват течностите.
Crema Marfil marble tiles are more than just a building material; they’re an investment in timeless elegance, long-lasting quality, and versatile design. From the subtle charm of the Crema Marfil honed tile to the grandeur of Crema Marfil classic marble tile, the range is as diverse as it is beautiful. Embrace the charm of Spanish heritage in your design projects and allow Crema Marfil’s understated elegance to redefine your spaces.