Професионална фабрика за каменни плочки и плотове, изрязани по размер

Балтийски кафяви плотове


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Балтийски кафяви плотове
Материал: Балтийски кафяви кухненски плотове
Дебелина: 18,20,30 мм
Повърхност: Полирана
MOQ: 10 комплекта
Марка: Esta Stone


Baltic Brown Granite Kitchen Countertops Solid Surface Slab 

Granite Baltic brown countertops are suitable for both interior and exterior use as it is frost resistant. Baltic brown granite countertops are fairly consistent in coloration and the black-brownish background is complemented by rust and cream specks. For a sleek contemporary kitchen design, the combination between black cabinets and Baltic brown granite guarantees a successful design.

Baltic Brown granite is an exquisite blend of browns and black with small flecks of lighter gray and tans. This granite is ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications including BBQ counter surrounds bathrooms, and countertops. Baltic brown countertops are a practical choice for any kitchen or bathroom. Like any natural stone Baltic brown granite needs to be sealed to extend its longevity.

Толеранс на дебелината ±1mm, ±2mm и т.н.
Довършване на ръбове Фластово полиран, пълен бичи нос, половин бичи нос, Оге, Дюпон и др.
Повърхностна обработка Полиран, хонингован, пламнал, матиран, пясъкоструен, кожа, Bushhammered, грубо подбрани, естествено разделен, и т.н.
Приложение Широко използван за вътрешна и външна декорация

Популярни размери

Размер Дебелина
Плочки 300 x 300 mm, 600 x 600 mm
600 x 300 mm, 800 x 800 mm и др.
10 мм, 15 мм, 18 мм, 20 мм, 23 мм, 30 мм и т.н.
Малки плочи 1800(до) x 600-900(до) мм 15 мм, 18 мм, 20 мм, 23 мм, 30 мм и т.н.
Големи плочи 2400(до) x 1200(до) мм 20 мм, 30 мм и т.н.
Плотове 96" x 25,5", 108" x 26" , 96" x26"
108" x 25" и т.н.
3/4", 3/8", 1/2" и т.н.
Островни върхове 96 "x36", 108 "x36", 96 "x40", 72 "x36" и др. 3/4", 3/8", 1/2" и т.н.
Върхове за суета 31 "x22", 37 "x22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22",
73 "x22" и т.н.
3/4", 3/8", 1/2" и т.н.
Стълбище и стелаж 1000~1300x300x20/30mm и 1000~1300x150x20mm

What is a sealer and how do I know when it is time to apply one to my granite countertops? 

“A sealer is like a coat of armor for your countertop. Natural stone can be dense or porous and is absorbent to some degree. Stones that have more swirls or veins tend to be more porous and absorbent. The sealer will decrease the opportunity for something to stain or harm your surface. A protected stone will be easier to clean, resist staining, and provide a safer and healthier environment. By sealing your stone, you will more easily retain the natural beauty of the surface.

To test your countertop’s sealant, apply a drop of water at least ½-inch in diameter to the stone and let stand for at least 15 minutes. Cover with a glass to reduce evaporation. If the stone does not darken then it is probably sealed against water-based stains. To ensure the beauty and longevity of your stone, we recommend sealing your stone yearly.” 



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