Професионална фабрика за каменни плочки и плотове, изрязани по размер

Кафе Браун мрамор кръст нарязани плоча


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Кафе Браун мрамор кръст нарязани плоча
Артикул: Cross Cut кафе Браун дървени мраморни плочи
Материал: кафе кафяв мрамор, дървен мрамор
Стандартни мраморни плочи: 2400upx1200up, 2800upx1500up или въз основа на искането на клиента
Дебелина: 20,30 мм
Повърхност: Полирана, шлифована, матирана
MOQ: 100 SQM
Мраморна фабрика: Esta Stone
Мраморен орнамент: Италия
Мрамор Приложение: Мраморни плочи за кухненски плотове и плотове за баня, и проекти за стенни панели


Chinese Coffee Brown Wooden Cross Cut Marble Slabs

Coffee Brown Marble Cross Cut Slab has a grey/brown base color with lumpy or cloud veins. And this Chinese Cross Cut Brown Marble is good for residential and commercial floor projects. “The three characteristics of Coffee Wood Marble make it famous, and it is known as the representative of wood grain stone. The color of the material is stable and the grain is clear, which is a good stone for building decoration, handicrafts, tablets, relief carving, etc.

The Vein Cut of Coffee Brown Marble is a normal and common design for any project, while the cross-cut Coffee Brown Wooden Marble has very different interior designs. Vein Cut seems straight and uniform, Cross Cut is more cozy and casual.

With its woodsy brown hue, Marble Coffee Wood features a variety of beautiful nut-brown shades that create an ombré effect. Its horizontal lines add a sense of depth while introducing another texture into the environment. Known for its quality and endurance, Coffee Wood can be easily used in floors, coatings, and many other decorative settings.

1: Basic Information | Chinese Wooden Marble | Esta Stone

Име на продукта:  Chinese Brown Wooden Marble Slabs
 Популярни размери:  1) Голяма плоча: 2400 upx1200up mm, дебелина 1.6cm, 1.8cm, 2.0cm.
 2)Vanity top:25″x22″,31″x22″,37″x22″,49″x22″,61″x22″,etc. Thickness 3/4″,1 1/4″ Any drawing can be customized made.
 3)Countertop:96″x26″,108″x26″,96″x36″,72″x36″,72″x36″,96″x16 “etc Thickness 3/4″,1 1/4” Any drawing can be made.
 4)Stair Step:100-150×30-35×2/3cm Riser100-150×12-17×2/3cm
 Подробности за качеството:  1) Polished degree: 90 degrees or up.
 2) Толеранс на дебелината: +/-1mm.
 3) Diagonal tolerance : +/-1mm.
 4) Surface flatness tolerance: +/-1mm.
 5) Adjacent edge verticality tolerance: +/-1mm, 
Прецизно рязане с машина за рязане с инфрачервени лъчи.
 Повърхностно покритие:  Polished, flamed, honed, bush hammeredsandblast,
 Използване:  For internal & external decoration and construction, Walling or flooring tile, or slab, top or kitchen countertops are available.

2: Coffee Brown Marble | Esta Stone Factory

Vein Cross Cut Brown Wooden Marble

Cross Cut Coffee Brown Marble

Coffee Wood Cross Cut Marble Slabs

3: Wooden Brown Marble Factory 

Wooden Marble Factory

1-FAQ на Ajax marble

4: FAQ:  What Differences between Vein Cut and Cross Cut of Natural Stone? 

Marble can be carved in a variety of ways in addition to having numerous vein kinds. This enables various patterns of veining to be visible. The vein patterns might appear more like swirls when blocks are sliced crosswise along a vein. When marble is cut with the grain, it reveals the material’s veining as long, horizontal stripes. The delicacy of the vein-cut is displayed in our natural wooden marble collection.

Knowing more about marble veining can help you choose what hues and patterns will work best for your project.

Coffee Wood Marble Factory

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