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Сив теракотен камък


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Сив теракотен камък

Разновидност на подовата настилка или повърхностния материал от теракот с преобладаващо сива цветова гама се нарича сив теракотен мрамор. Малки фрагменти от мрамор, гранит, кварц или други агрегати се вграждат в свързващо вещество от епоксидна или циментова смола, за да се създаде композитен материал терацо. След това полирането му придава лъскава и гладка повърхност.

Мраморът със сив цвят е основният агрегат, използван при създаването на сиво теракотно мраморно покритие. Видът на използвания мрамор може да определи точния нюанс на сивото, който може да варира от светло до тъмно. Сиви мрамори като Carrara, Bardiglio и Silver Travertine често се използват в теракота.

Мрамор цветове: Милано сив Terrazzo камък мрамор плоча

Размер на подови и стенни плочки: 12′ X 12″, 12′ X 24″, 24′ X 24″ и т.н.
Дебелина: 10, 18, 20, 30 мм
Повърхност: Полирана, хонингована
MOQ: 300 SQM

Фабрика за естествени мраморни плочки: Esta Stone

Приложение: Esta Stone предлага 100+ естествени мраморни камъни за интериорни проекти за подове и стени, като например хотели, офис сгради, молове, СПА центрове и ресторанти.


Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab 

A particular kind of marble slab used in terrazzo applications is referred to as Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab. It blends the distinct qualities of terrazzo with the beauty of marble.

One particular color in the terrazzo marble line is Milan Mocca Grey. Usually, it has a grey foundation with various beige and brown tones and patterns. This blend of colors gives the slab’s overall appearance more depth and warmth.

The process of creating terrazzo stone marble slabs involves combining aggregates or marble chips with a binder, like epoxy resin or cement. To produce solid slabs, the mixture is placed into molds and let to cure. The slabs are polished to a glossy, smooth surface following the curing process.

Terrazzo marble slabs are frequently used for flooring, backsplashes, countertops, and other architectural and design components. One such variation is Milan Mocca Grey. Every piece is unique and visually intriguing because to the slab’s individual patterns and colors.

Marble slabs made of terrazzo stone are typically long-lasting and simple to maintain. It is advised to clean on a regular basis using a moderate, pH-neutral cleaner and to stay away from strong chemicals and abrasive cleaning equipment. Periodically sealing the marble slab can also help keep it stain-free and preserve its attractiveness over time.

Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab is a chic option that may give your interior spaces a dash of refinement and unspoiled beauty.

Aesthetic Appeal:

The Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab’s distinctive blend of grey, brown, and beige tones creates a visually arresting appearance. It’s a popular choice for interior design because of its inherent color and pattern variety, which gives any space depth and visual intrigue.


There are several uses for this kind of marble slab made of terrazzo stone. It is frequently utilized for wall cladding, countertops, floors, and other architectural components. It can be easily incorporated into a variety of design styles and color schemes because to its neutral color palette.


Marble slabs made of terrazzo stone are renowned for their longevity. Marble stones mixed with a durable binder material provide a surface that is resilient to daily wear and tear, impacts, and heavy foot traffic. Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slab can be kept beautiful and functional for many years with the right upkeep.

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Dimensions of Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs 

The Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs
Плочи: 2800 x 1800mm, 2800 x 1600mm, 2600 x 1600mm, 2500 x 1500mm, 2400 x 1400mm, 2400 x 1200mm.
Плочки: 305 x 305mm, 305 x 610mm, 610 x 610mm и др.
Изрязване по размер: 300 x 300mm, 300 x 600mm, 600 x 600mm и др.
Други размери по индивидуална заявка.
Полиран, хонингован, пламък, WaterJet, кожа.
Подробности за пакета
1) Плоча: пластмаса отвътре + силен дървен сноп, подходящ за плаване, отвън
2) Плочки: пяна вътре + здрави дървени щайги, подходящи за плаване, с подсилени ремъци отвън
3) Плот: пяна отвътре + здрави дървени щайги, подходящи за плаване, с подсилени ремъци отвън
Осигуряване на качеството: По време на целия производствен процес, от избора на материал, през изработката до опаковането, нашите служители по осигуряване на качеството ще контролират стриктно всеки един и всеки процес, за да гарантират стандарти за качество и точна доставка.
Време за доставка: 7 дни за контейнер.

Min Order: 300 КВ. М
Цена на артикула: FOB Сямън, Китай. или можем да изпратим по заявка на клиента.
Плащане: 30% Депозит преди производството, 70% Баланс преди доставката.

 Application of Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs

Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs can be used in a wide range of applications to enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of different spaces. 


Beautiful and long-lasting marble slabs in Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone are ideal for use in kitchens, baths, and other spaces. The area is made more visually interesting and has a focus point thanks to the distinctive color variations and patterns. Because they are heat- and scratch-resistant, terrazzo marble slabs are appropriate for daily use.

Подови настилки:

Adding Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs to a room can make it seem more opulent and refined. Because terrazzo is so resilient, it can tolerate high foot traffic levels without sacrificing its allure. Terrazzo marble slabs are a strong and aesthetically pleasing flooring choice for both commercial and residential applications.

Стенни облицовки:

To give interior walls texture and visual appeal, Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs can be utilized as wall cladding. The distinctive patterns and colors of the terrazzo marble slabs can be used to provide a striking backdrop for a variety of places, including feature walls, corridors, and lobbies, whether they are installed as a whole wall or as an accent.


Staircases can be covered with Terrazzo marble slabs, which offer a strong and attractive surface. Staircases in homes or businesses can benefit from the natural variance in color and pattern of Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs, which can lend a touch of refinement and elegance.

Приложения за баня:

Shower walls, vanity tops, and tub surrounds are just a few of the bathroom uses that Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs are ideal for. Terrazzo marble is a useful option for damp areas due to its resilience and water-resistance.

Furniture and Decorative Objects:

Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs can also be utilized to make personalized furniture or ornamental items. The slabs can be fashioned into tabletops, benches, mantel surrounds, or even ornamental artwork, which would give the entire design a sense of luxury and individuality.


Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs


Естествен дървен мрамор етаж и стена плочки фабрика | Еста Stone

Maintenance And Care Tips For The Milan Mocca Grey Terrazzo Stone Marble Slabs

Avoid Impact and Scratching:

Although marble slabs made of terrazzo are sturdy, it’s crucial to avoid impact and scratches. To prevent denting or damaging the surface, use coasters or protecting cushions below heavy objects. Abrasive or sharp objects should not be dragged across the slab.

Постоянни инспекции за поддръжка:

Check the marble slabs made of terrazzo stone on a regular basis for wear and damage. Examine the area for any chips, cracks, or places where the sealant may have worn off. Deal with any problems as soon as possible to stop more harm.

Доставчик на дървени мраморни настилки | Esta Stone

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