Професионална фабрика за каменни плочки и плотове, изрязани по размер

Неро Сантяго Гранитни каменни плочки за под


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Chinese G302 Nero Santiago Granite Stone Tiles for Floor and Wall Exterior

Nero Santiago Granite is one of the most popular unique stone materials from China for outdoor steps. Negro granite has a low-key color and natural look and can be used in many places such as wall tile, paver, steps, and so on. The color falls in between gray and black which reveals a European classical breath. It owns the straight lines and wavy lines due to the different ways of cutting with all kinds of finishes, polished, honed, flamed, sandblasted,bush-hammered, chiseled, brushed, etc.

Chinese Nero Santiago g302 granite to wall tile slabs mosaic cube tactile flooring


 Granite G302






Плочки: 12 "x12", 16 "x16", 18 "x18" и др.

Плоча: 140up x 240up x2cm /3cm и т.н.

Плот: 96 "x25.5" и 30 "x76" и т.н.

Върхът на суетата: 22 "x31", 22 "x37", 22 "x49" (има и други размери)

Налични продукти

Плочки, Плоча, Плот, Ванта, Връх, Бордюр, Павиране, Фасада на стената

Повърхностна обработка

Полиран, усъвършенстван, пламнал, буш-хаммериран, издълбан, ананас, естествен сплит, тумбест, пясъкоструен и др.


Плотове, подове, стенни облицовки, декорация на сгради.


(QC follow)

Част А: Избор на материал

Част Б: Детайл на полския ръб

Част В: Проверка на качеството и опаковане


Ксиамен, Китай, или по поръчка.


С пластмасово фолио и пяна отвътре и дървена щайга отвън


В рамките на 10 - 15 дни.

Условия за плащане

L/C, T/T и др.

Why Choose Natural Stone Flooring and Tiles?

Natural Stone is beautiful and will add a stunning feature to any home.  Stone is the only material that improves with age, it lasts a lifetime and its natural variation adds character.  It is hardwearing, very practical, and gains its own patina over time.  It is worth investing in natural stone as it lasts for years and will enhance the value of your home.  It is easy to clean, practical yet stylish.  The price of natural stone has decreased in recent years making it a luxurious yet affordable floor covering.  Natural stone flooring comes in many styles and can suit both a traditional and contemporary setting.  It is a very adaptable material that is at home in a country cottage as well as an urban townhouse or apartment.  Ideal for hallways, kitchens, dining rooms, conservatories, and bathrooms and increasingly being used in living areas and bedrooms.  Stone goes well with other natural materials such as wood and works particularly well with under-floor heating.  Natural stone flooring is unique as every tile is a one-off and this look cannot be recreated by man-made material.  Fossils, shells, crystal veins, and tonal variation are all marks of authenticity.

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