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Червен порфир


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Червен порфир

Red Porphyry is a type of natural stone known for its distinctive red color and unique texture. It is a volcanic rock that forms through the slow cooling of magma deep within the Earth's crust. The term "porphyry" refers to the texture of the stone, characterized by large, visible crystals embedded in a fine-grained matrix.

Red Porphyry is highly valued for its rich, deep red hue, which can range from shades of burgundy to rusty red. The stone's striking color and pattern make it a popular choice for various architectural and decorative applications. It is often used in both interior and exterior design projects, adding a touch of elegance and warmth to spaces.

Една от забележителните характеристики на червения порфир е неговата издръжливост и устойчивост на атмосферни влияния. Известен е със своята здравина, което го прави подходящ за зони с голям трафик и външни инсталации. Червеният порфир обикновено се използва за настилки, включително алеи, пътеки и площади, както и за облицовка на фасади и създаване на декоративни елементи като колони и стенни панели.

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Порфир Фабрика за каменни плочки: Esta Stone


Distinctive Red Color and Unique Texture Natural stone of Red Porphyry

Red Porphyry is a natural stone renowned for its distinctive red color and unique texture. It is classified as an igneous rock, formed from the cooling and solidification of volcanic magma. The term “porphyry” refers to the characteristic texture of the stone, which showcases large crystals embedded within a fine-grained matrix.

One of the most notable features of Red Porphyry is its captivating red color. The shade of red can vary, ranging from deep burgundy to vibrant rusty red, creating a visually striking and warm aesthetic. This rich coloration makes Red Porphyry an excellent choice for adding a touch of boldness and vibrancy to both interior and exterior design projects.

The texture of Red Porphyry is what sets it apart. The stone’s fine-grained matrix is interspersed with larger crystals, typically composed of minerals such as feldspar, quartz, and sometimes mica. This combination of crystal sizes creates a visually appealing contrast, giving Red Porphyry a dynamic and unique appearance.

Red Porphyry is highly regarded for its durability and strength. It is resistant to weathering, making it suitable for outdoor applications such as paving, cladding, and landscaping. The stone’s robust nature allows it to withstand heavy foot traffic, making it a popular choice for commercial and high-traffic areas.

In terms of applications, Red Porphyry is commonly used for a variety of purposes. It is frequently employed as a paving material for driveways, walkways, patios, and plazas, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Red Porphyry can also be utilized for wall cladding, creating visually striking facades and accent walls. Additionally, it is sometimes used for decorative elements like columns, steps, and other architectural features.

Maintenance of Red Porphyry typically involves routine cleaning using mild soap and water. It is generally a low-maintenance stone, resistant to staining and easy to maintain its appearance over time.

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Dimensions of  Red Porphyry 

The Natural Stone of Red Porphyry
Плочки: 305 x 305mm, 305 x 610mm, 610 x 610mm и др.
Изрязване по размер: 300 x 300mm, 300 x 600mm, 600 x 600mm и др.
Други размери по индивидуална заявка.
Подробности за пакета
1) Плоча: пластмаса отвътре + силен дървен сноп, подходящ за плаване, отвън
2) Плочки: пяна вътре + здрави дървени щайги, подходящи за плаване, с подсилени ремъци отвън
3) Плот: пяна отвътре + здрави дървени щайги, подходящи за плаване, с подсилени ремъци отвън
Осигуряване на качеството: По време на целия производствен процес, от избора на материал, през изработката до опаковането, нашите служители по осигуряване на качеството ще контролират стриктно всеки един и всеки процес, за да гарантират стандарти за качество и точна доставка.
Време за доставка: 7 дни за контейнер.

Min Order: 300 КВ. М
Цена на артикула: FOB Сямън, Китай. или можем да изпратим по заявка на клиента.
Плащане: 30% Депозит преди производството, 70% Баланс преди доставката.

 Application of Red Porphyry

Applications of Natural Stone Red Porphyry:

Red Porphyry, with its distinctive red color and unique texture, finds applications in various architectural and design projects. Here are some common uses of Red Porphyry:


Red Porphyry is a popular choice for paving due to its durability and resistance to weathering. It is often used for driveways, walkways, plazas, and courtyards, providing a visually striking and long-lasting surface.

Стенни облицовки:

The rich red color and textured appearance of Red Porphyry make it an excellent choice for wall cladding. It can be used to cover exterior facades, creating an eye-catching and unique look. Red Porphyry cladding can also be incorporated into interior walls, adding warmth and character to the space.


Red Porphyry is often used in landscaping projects to create pathways, steps, and retaining walls. Its durability and natural beauty make it a suitable choice for outdoor environments, blending harmoniously with gardens, parks, and other green spaces.

Decorative Elements:

Red Porphyry can be shaped and carved into various decorative elements. It is commonly used for architectural details such as columns, balustrades, and ornamental features that add a touch of elegance and uniqueness to buildings and structures.

Monuments and Memorials:

Given its durability and timeless appeal, Red Porphyry is sometimes used in the construction of monuments and memorials. Its striking color and textured surface make it suitable for creating lasting tributes and commemorative structures.

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Red Porphyry can be utilized in interior design to add a bold and distinctive touch. It can be employed as flooring, countertops, fireplace surrounds, and other architectural elements, creating a focal point that enhances the overall aesthetic of the space.


Natural Stone of Red Porphyry 


Естествен дървен мрамор етаж и стена плочки фабрика | Еста Stone

Maintenance And Care Tips For Natural Stone of Red Porphyry 

Поддържането на малахитни плочи изисква подходящи грижи, за да се запази тяхната красота и цялост. Ето някои съвети за поддръжка, които трябва да вземете предвид:

To ensure the longevity and beauty of Red Porphyry, it is important to follow proper maintenance and care practices. Here are some tips to consider:

Редовно почистване:

Clean the surface of Red Porphyry regularly using a soft brush, mop, or cloth to remove dirt, dust, and debris. Avoid using abrasive cleaning tools or harsh chemicals that can damage the stone. Instead, use a mild pH-neutral stone cleaner or warm soapy water for routine cleaning.

Предотвратяване на петна:

Red Porphyry is generally resistant to staining, but it is still advisable to clean up spills promptly. Wipe away any spills, especially those from acidic substances like wine, coffee, or citrus juices, as they can potentially cause staining. Blot the spill gently with a soft cloth or paper towel.


Red Porphyry is known for its durability, but some varieties may benefit from sealing to enhance their stain resistance. Consult with a professional stone care specialist to determine if your Red Porphyry requires sealing and the appropriate type of sealant to use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapplication.

Outdoor Maintenance:

If Red Porphyry is used in outdoor applications, regular cleaning and inspection are essential. Remove any debris, leaves, or dirt that may accumulate on the surface. Check for any signs of damage or wear, and address them promptly to prevent further issues.

Професионална поддръжка:

Periodically consult with a professional stone care specialist for maintenance and restoration of Red Porphyry. They can assess the condition of the stone, perform deep cleaning, polishing, and address any specific issues or concerns.

Доставчик на дървени мраморни настилки | Esta Stone

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