Професионална фабрика за каменни плочки и плотове, изрязани по размер

Бяла гранитна плоча


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Бяла гранитна плоча
Материал: Hubei G603 Гранит Сезам бял
Slabs Sizes:2400upx1200up,2600upx1400up
Дебелина на плочите: 18 мм, 20 мм, 25 мм, 30 мм
Опции за повърхността: Полирана, флеймирана, хонингована
MOQ: 100 SQM


Polished Sesame White Hubei G603 Granite Slabs for Paving Tiles

Hubei Granite G603 Stone is a kind of natural granite with light grey color and dark crystal dots, hard and fine as snow. It is mainly used for the decoration of high-grade interior walls, floor,s, and exterior walls.

It can be used for garden square paving, ground, and wall decoration, special-shaped, carving, windowsill, table and stepping stone, etc.

White granite is one of the most popular choices for granite colors. Many homeowners desire to install any of the various types of white granite in their homes. White granite countertops can work well whether you want to match or contrast any décor. A white granite slab truly looks incredible wherever it is installed in the home.

Sesame white granite stone, we are not unfamiliar, everywhere G603 granite stone, walking on the road, buildings, parks, etc., everywhere, sesame white granite stone is also known as white hemp stone, is one of the world's famous granite stones, its texture is hard, delicate as snow, generally used for decoration of high-grade internal and external walls, long used for dry hanging work Cheng, with sesame white grey granite stone, has a great export volume and sales volume in each year, because it can be used as a variety of buildings such as plate, floor, tabletop, carving, engineering hanging, along the road, etc., whether it is the high-speed railway station, airport or public place of the motor car, etc., it is widely used as the main material, and its durability is very strong and the service life is also very long. The main feature is that the cost-effective and affordable sesame white granite stone, and whether it is cutting or polishing, the processing technology cost is very low.

 Име на продукта:  Tile, Cut-to-size, Random small slab, Gangsaw slab, Steps, and riser,
плотове, Vanity top, кухненски плотове, мивка, скулптура, градински елементи и др.
 Довършителни работи:   Polished, honed, flamed, machine sawn, flamed+brushed, antique, pineapple,
chiseled, Sandblasted, Water jet, etc.
 Размери:  1)Tile -12"x12"x3/8",16"x16"x3/8",300x600mm,600x600mm,30x90mm,etc.  
 2)Плоча за рязане с трион - 150upx250upx2/3/4cm;
 3) Малка плоча - 60/70/80upx180~300×2/3/4cm; 
 4) Плот - 96 "/ 108" x26 "/ 36" x2/3cm; като клиенти & #039; дизайни.  
 Опаковка:  Здрави дървени каси или дървени снопове, годни за плаване
 1) QC следва от рязане на блокове до опаковане, проверявайте един по един.
 2) Толеранс на дебелината +/-1 мм, (+/-0,5 мм за тънки плочки)
 3) степен на полиране от 70 ~ 95 в зависимост от различните пазари.
 MOQ:  50 КВ. М
 Време за производство: 10-25 дни след потвърждаване на поръчката
 Плащане:  T/T 40% Deposite
 Целеви пазар:  Западна Европа, Източна Европа, САЩ, Северна Америка, Южна Америка, Карибския басейн,
 1) QC следва от рязане на блокове до опаковане, проверявайте един по един.
 2) Толеранс на дебелината +/-1 мм, (+/-0,5 мм за тънки плочки)
 3) степен на полиране от 70 ~ 95 в зависимост от различните пазари.

За Esta Stone Marble Series



Granite Stone is a very strong and durable natural stone. The actual strength of a specific piece of granite will vary depending on the stone and where it was quarried. However, most granite weighs in at about 15-20 pounds per square foot — an incredibly robust, sturdy material.


Sealing granite is just as easy as wiping off your countertops or Floor Tiles. Just spray the sealing agent on your countertops, allowing it to sit for about 5 minutes so the sealant can penetrate deep into the pores of the granite, and then simply wipe it off.

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