Professionelle Fabrik für Fliesen und Arbeitsplatten aus Stein im Zuschnitt

Arabescato Cervaiole Marmor



Arabescato Cervaiole Marmor
Material: Arabescato Cervaiole Weißer Marmor für Innenprojekte
Material: Arabescato Cervaiole Weißer Marmor, Weißer Marmor
Standard-Marmorplatten: 2400upx1200up, 2800upx1500up oder auf Anfrage des Kunden
Dicke: 20,30mm
Oberfläche: Poliert, geschliffen, gebürstet
MOQ: 100 SQM
Fabrik: Esta Stone
Marmor Anwendung: Marmorplatten für Küchen- und Badezimmer-Arbeitsplatten und Wandverkleidungsprojekte


Arabescato Cervaiole Polished Marble Slabs For Interior Designs

Arabescato Cervaiole marble is white with grey veining. This lovely marble has a similar feel to Arabescato Altissimo, but with a somewhat darker vein. Suitable for indoor use, even in moist places, Arabescato Cervaiole Marble is offered in an 18mm/20mm slab format with a polished or honed finish, allowing for the production of any size tile as well as bespoke applications such as the stairs, step details, and vanity furniture. 

Classic Arabescato Cervaiole White marble with an arabesque pattern, with fine white-grained color and, sometimes, with light ivory tones. 

White Marble Arabescato Cervaiole is a white marble from Carrara.

Arabescato Cervaiole Marble Slab is a fine marble of exceptional workmanship and prestige, recognized by its characteristic grey ovals on a white background.

Classic and elegant, this arabesque marble is an excellent material for indoor and outdoor flooring and cladding, such as stairs, tables, sinks, kitchen worktops, and shower floors.

1: Basic Information about the Esta Stone Natural White Marble Series

Marble Material Arabescato white marble
Marble Original Italien
Über uns

1) Seit mehr als 10 Jahren konzentrieren wir uns auf Naturmarmor.

2) Erfahrene Mitarbeiter und effizientes Managementteam und Service

Farbe White with gold veins
Marble Size ♦ Kachelgröße

1) 305 x 305 x 10mm oder 12" x 12" x 3/8"

2) 400 x 400 x 12 mm oder 16" x 16" x 1/2"

3) 457 x 457 x 12 mm oder 18" x 18" x 1/2"

4) 600 x 600 x 20 mm oder 24" x 24" x 3/4"

5) Zuschnitt oder andere kundenspezifische Größen

♦Laborgröße: 1200 bis*2400 bis*18/20/30mm

♦Halbe Plattengröße: 600*1800 bis*18/20/30mm; 700*1800 bis*18/20/30mm.

Qualitätskontrolle 1) Poliergrad: 85 oder höher

2) Dickentoleranz: -2/+1mm QC-Kontrolle Stück für Stück streng vor dem Verpacken.

3) Diagonale Toleranz: +/-1mm

4) Toleranz der Oberflächenebenheit: +/-0,3mm

5) Vertikale Toleranz der angrenzenden Kanten: +/-0,5 mm, präzises Schneiden durch Infrarotstrahl-Schneidemaschine

Lagerbestand Shuitou Lager regulärer Bestand


2: More White Marble Photos in the Esta Stone Factory

Arabescato Cervaiole Slab Factory


Esta Stone is a Chinese stone supplier based in the well-known worldwide stone center "shuitou."

We have extensive experience in the processing, design, and trade of a wide variety of stone products. Marble, granite, fake marble, onyx marble, agate slab, and so on. Long-term experience, diligent employees, advanced facilities, and a robust quality control system for stone production provide us a clear advantage over our competition.

Our firm has 8 sets of marble diamond gang saws, 4 sets of fully automatic polishing machines, and 8 sets of infrared cutters to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Arabescato Cervaiole Marble Factory

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