Professionelle Fabrik für Fliesen und Arbeitsplatten aus Stein im Zuschnitt

Dunkelgrauer Marmor Bardiglio Nuvolato



Dunkelgrauer Marmor Bardiglio Nuvolato
Esta Stone 100% natürlicher dunkelgrauer Marmor-Bardiglio Nuvolato ist ein natürlicher dunkelgrauer Marmor, der in Italien abgebaut wird und für seine tiefgraue Farbe und schwierige Äderung bekannt ist, die ihm ein wolkenähnliches Aussehen verleiht. Dieser Marmor ist langlebig und eignet sich für jede Anwendung im Innen- und Außenbereich, z. B. für Böden und Wände. Er ist die perfekte Wahl für Innenarchitekten und Architekten, die ihren Projekten Eleganz und Raffinesse verleihen wollen.
  1. Artikel aus natürlichem Marmor: Italienische Bardiglio Nuvolato Grau Marmorplatten für Inneneinrichtung Projekte
  2. Marmorfarbe: Bardiglio Nuvolato Marmor, italienischer grauer Marmor
  3. Jumbo-Marmorplatte Größe: 2400upx1200up, 2600upx1400up
  4. Dicke: 16,18,20,30 mm
  5. Oberfläche: Poliert
  6. MOQ: 300 SQM
  7. Fabrik für grauen Marmor: ESTA STONE
  8. Marmor Verwendungen: Sie können 50+ natürliche graue Marmorplatten in Esta Stone für Boden und Wand, Treppen, Säule für jedes kommerzielle Gebäude und Immobilien Innenraum Projekte erhalten.


Italien Bardiglio Graue Marmorplatten für Boden- und Wandfliesen Projekte

Dark Grey Bardiglio Nuvolato marble from Esta Stone Italian Natural Marble Collection, frequently called “Bardiglio,” is a quality-grained, deep gray marble with a cloudy look. It’s quarried in Italy’s Tuscany location and is characterized by a combination of veining. The name “Bardiglio Nuvolato” distinguishes it from other kinds of Marble. “Bardiglio” is the conventional Italian name given to grey marbles excavated from identical quarries because of the well-known white Marble in Carrara. This Italian Dark Grey Marble is generally used for numerous interior applications, which include floors, Stairs, bathroom countertops, and walls, because of its fashionable appearance and flexibility. Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble is known for its deep gray background, stunning grain veins, and misty cloud-like styles.

Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble Floor and Stair Hotel Projects Esta Stone

Dark grey Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble is a masterpiece among natural stones. Quarried from the coronary heart of Italy’s Tuscany vicinity, this unique natural grey Marble gives a fantastic blend of deep gray hues intermingled with light gray and white sunglasses. Owning a special, cloudy grey vein appearance, Bardiglio Nuvolato Grey Marble is renowned for its undying beauty, versatility, and capacity to infuse any design with sophistication and charm. Past its visual allure, the technical features of this Marble make it a popular choice for unique luxurious interior decoration projects, such as hotels, malls, boutiques, resorts, and other commercial buildings and real estate.

Origins and features

Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble, regularly called Bardiglio grey Marble, is considered one of Italy’s iconic herbal stones. Sourced predominantly from the Carrara Valley, this Marble stands proud of its charming beauty and tricky cloud-like veining. With its heterogeneous background, each jumbo grey marble slab of Bardiglio Nuvolato boasts precise veining patterns, giving designers and architects numerous palettes to paint from. While polished, the slabs gather an unmatched shine thanks to their glassy consistency, making them a super choice for projects with luxury and elegance.

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Basic Sizes of Natural Grey Marble


Name des Produkts Grauer italienischer Marmor Bardiglio Nuvolato
Fertige Poliert
Standardgrößen Brammen Größen 2400(aufwärts) x 1200(aufwärts)mm
Dicke 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 30mm, etc
Zuschnitt Größen 300x300mm




1200x600mm oder kundenspezifische Größen

Dicke 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 2,5mm, 30mm, etc
Kundenspezifisch Wir können nach den speziellen Anforderungen oder den Zeichnungen aller Kunden produzieren.


Fußböden und Wände im Innen- und Außenbereich, in Schlafzimmern, Hotels, Schulen, Supermärkten und Lobbys


18mm Polished Italian Grey Marble Ready to Sales


Bardiglio Nuvolato Marmorplatten
Bardiglio Nuvolato Marmorplatten

The Usages of Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble Slab

Interior Design

  • Bodenbelag: Ideal for luxurious living rooms, entryways, and bathrooms due to its durability and eye-catching appearance 
  • Wall Cladding: Used in shower walls, fireplace surrounds, and feature walls
  • Arbeitsplatten: Perfect for kitchens, vanity tops in bathrooms, and commercial countertops

Exterior Applications

  • Stairs and Steps: Bardiglio Nuvolato is strong enough for exterior steps when adequately sealed
  • Wall Panels and Cladding: Can be used in external facades for buildings when sealed appropriately


The Wid Range Project Application of Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble

Bardiglio Nuvolato Italian Marble’s numerous sizes and finishes make it suitable for a large number of programs:

Interior layout: Whether or not it is floor tiles or wall facings, the Marble’s deep gray tones infuse interiors with a serene, sophisticated aura. Its rich dark grey veining makes it a preferred choice for living rooms, corridors, and, particularly, bathrooms, where it can be used for kitchen and bathroom mosaic tiles and other interior decoration projects.

Architectural elements: Bardiglio Nuvolato’s Italian grey Marble lends itself superbly to architectural detailing from columns to staircases. Its energy and elegance make it preferred for features that demand aesthetics and sturdiness.


Bardiglio Nuvolato Marmorplatte
Bardiglio Nuvolato Marmorplatte

External Facades: Even as many marbles are limited to internal use, Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble Tiles’ notable technical residences allow it for use externally when adequately sealed. This Italian Natural Grey Marble promises enduring splendor and resilience, whether or not for wall cladding, paving, or outside countertops.

Commercial initiatives: Esteemed for its premium appearance, the dark gray Bardiglio Nuvolato Marble Floor Tile unearths sizeable utility in business settings. Inns, places of work, hospitals, and colleges frequently rent this Marble to create steeply-priced areas and appeal.

Bardiglio Nuvolato Grau Marmor
Bardiglio Nuvolato Grau Marmor

Bardiglio Nuvolato Grey Marble 1
Bardiglio Nuvolato Grey Marble 1


Natural Marble Slabs and Cut-to-Size Tiles Factory


Natural Grey Marble Professional Factory | Esta Stone


Mehr Informationen über Italien Grauer Bardiglio-Marmor

TCombining classic whites with cloudy greys in Bardiglio Nuvolato marble adds a timeless effect to any space. The Marble Bardiglio Nuvolato is a grey stone featuring some marks that recall the shape of the clouds. This Marble is perfect for indoor paving and covering.

With its unparalleled beauty, versatility in size, and range of applications, Esat Stone’s Bardiglio Grey Marble remains an unceasing favorite among designers, architects, and homeowners worldwide. Whether you envision a lavish home interior, a grand commercial space, or an elegant outdoor setting, Bardiglio Nuvolato stands ready to transform your vision into a reality teeming with sophistication and grace.


Natural Marble Slabs and Tiles Factory | Esta Stone


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