Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Tavallinen kivi kulttuurikivien joukossa


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Tavallinen kivi kulttuurikivien joukossa

Tasainen kivi, jota kutsutaan myös idylliseksi kiveksi, on kivityyppi, joka syntyi sen jälkeen, kun amerikkalaista maata voitiin ostaa ja myydä vapaasti. Tuohon aikaan monet varakkaat ihmiset Yhdysvalloissa ostivat maata itselleen ja ryhtyivät maanviljelijöiksi.

After they had permanent land use rights, They began to cultivate the land. Before farming, because there were a lot of stones scattered or diagonally inserted in the fields, people needed to clear the stones out of the fields first. After the clearing, the farmers used the natural resources of the stones to build a fence for the farm. And use these stones picked up from the field to build a fence.

At the same time, a part of the stone is used to decorate the wall of the house. Over time, this kind of stone began to be widely used, thus forming a very popular and more common pastoral stone in the United States.

This plain stone mainly has three colors: brown, brown, and red.

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