Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Azul Imperial graniitti laatta


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Azul Imperial graniitti laatta

Brasilian sydämestä kaivettu Azul Imperial Blue -graniitin ja Azul Bahia -graniittilaattojen häikäisevä kauneus tuo ripauksen kuninkaallista eleganssia luksusasuntoihin, hotelleihin ja yksityisklubeihin. Nämä upeat luonnonkivet, joille on ominaista niiden lumoavat sinisen sävyt ja monimutkaiset suonikuviot, sopivat erinomaisesti upeiden portaiden, lattioiden ja työtasojen luomiseen, jotka kertovat hienostuneesta mausta ja loistokkuudesta. Näiden graniittien kauneus ja toiminnallisuus yhdessä nostavat tavalliset tilat poikkeuksellisiksi, tyylikkäiksi ja kestäviksi asuinalueiksi.

Brasilialainen eksoottinen graniitti Kohde: Azul Imperial Blue Graniitti, Sininen Bahia Graniitti.
Koot: 2400(up) x 1200(up) mm; 2800(up) x 1500(up) mm.
Paksuus: 20mm, 30mm
Pinta: .
MOQ: 100 SQM

Ylellinen graniittitehdas: Esta Stone

Graniittikiven käyttö: Sisustus, lattia, seinä, työtaso, turhamaisuus, huonekalut jne.


Imperial Blue Azul Granite Slabs For Kitchen Countertops and Wall Cladding Tiles

The Azul Imperial Blue Granite, known as an imperial gem among natural stones, offers a majestic presence to any application. Its stunning array of fine blue tones, interspersed with whitish shades, creates a canvas of natural artistry across every slab’s surface. The play of light and dark veining creates an unusual linear movement, giving a unique character to every installation. Be it kitchen countertops, bathroom walls, or floors, the Azul Imperial’s majestic charm is undeniably captivating.

Likewise, the Azul Bahia Granite Slabs, also known as Blue Bahia Granite Tiles, possess a unique allure of their own. Exhibiting beautiful hues of blue mingled with white and gold veins, these slabs make a striking impact wherever they’re installed. The depth of blue varies from slab to slab, and sometimes, you can find subtle hints of green or orange hues. Each of these slabs can be book-matched, cut, and polished to create a mirror image, resulting in a design that is as grand as it is beautiful.

Blue Bahia Granite Stairs and Wall Cladding Panel Projects-Esta Stone

-The Majestic Beauty of Blue Granite: Transforming Luxury Residences with Azul Imperial and Bahia Slabs

Both the Azul Imperial and Azul Bahia granites offer more than just a feast for the eyes. Hailed as one of the most durable and reliable building materials, granite is perfect for areas with high traffic and exposure. Its incredible durability, resistance to scratches, stains, and heat, make it a top choice for countertops, floors, and other surfaces. It’s an excellent choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops, as its water resistance reduces susceptibility to spills and stains.

Specification of Exotic Blue Granite


 Viimeistelyt  Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiekkapuhallettu, harjattu, pensselöity, uritettu jne.
Koko  Suosittu laatan koko
 305 x 305 x 10mm -12″ x 12″ x 3/8″;  457 x 457 x 12mm -18″ x 18″ x 1/2″
 400 x 400 x 12mm -16″ x 16″ x 1/2″;  300 x 600 x 12mm -12″ x 24″ x 1/2″
 400 x 400 x 20mm -16″ x 16″ x 3/4″;  300 x 600 x 20mm -12″ x 24″ x 3/4″
 400 x 600 x 20mm -16″ x 24″ x 3/4″;  600 x 600 x 20mm -24″ x 24″ x 3/4″
 tai räätälöity.
 Suosittu laatat Koko:
 Strip slabs—(180-300)*(60-90)*2/3/4cm
 Gangsaw slabs—(120-180)*(240-300)*2/3/4cm
 +/-0.5mm 1cm paksuille laatoille
 +/-1mm or 1.5mm for the thickness of more than 1cm
Tavallinen paksuus: 1.0cm, 1.5cm, 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm jne...
Valmis:  Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, Bush Hammered, hiekkapuhallettu, taltattu jne.... 
Pakkaus: vahvoilla kaasutetuilla puulaatikoilla, puisilla kuormalavoilla, puisilla nipuilla jne... 
Näytteet VAPAAEHTOISET NÄYTTEET toimitetaan, kun pyyntö on esitetty. 
High Quality Brazilian Blue Granite Slabs


The Premium Brazilian Granite-Azul Imperial Granite Stone:

However, like all-natural stone surfaces, these granite variants require regular maintenance to retain their luster and durability. Sealing is recommended every 1-3 years, which protects the surface from absorbing liquids and staining. This process starts by cleaning the surface thoroughly, followed by applying a granite sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A well-maintained granite surface will retain its beauty and functionality for many years.

Other than countertops, these magnificent stones can also be used for creating breathtaking floors, accent walls, backsplashes, and more. The Brazilian Blue Granite Stone is a showstopper, elevating the aesthetic appeal of high-end hotels, private villas, and commercial places. Its luxurious vibe significantly enhances the overall decorative atmosphere.

Hailing from the exotic quarries of Bahia, Brazil, this granite type has made its way into some of the most luxurious residences, hotels, and commercial establishments worldwide. Here’s a deeper dive into why Azul Bahia Granite is highly sought after for high-end interior projects.

Spectacular Aesthetics

One of the most distinguishing features of Azul Bahia Granite is its striking color palette. Its signature deep blue hue, accented with veins of white and gold, creates a stunning spectacle that catches the eye immediately. The intensity of the blue can vary from slab to slab, with some showcasing subtle shades of green or orange. This variability adds an element of uniqueness and character to each slab, making it a statement piece in any setting.


Azul Bahia Granite’s aesthetic appeal is combined with its versatility. It is suitable for numerous applications, including kitchen countertops, bathroom vanities, wall cladding, backsplashes, and flooring. The granite can be processed into various finishes, including polished, sawn cut, sanded, rock-faced, sandblasted, and tumbled. Its suitability for diverse applications and finishes makes it an ideal choice for different design styles, ranging from contemporary minimalism to rustic elegance.

Azul Imperial graniitti laatta

Azul Bahia Granite’s popularity is also rooted in its strength and durability. Being a granite, it boasts high resistance to heat, scratches, and stains. These properties make it an excellent choice for kitchen countertops and flooring, which are prone to spills, heat, and heavy foot traffic. Furthermore, with proper sealing and maintenance, Azul Bahia Granite can retain its lustrous beauty for many years. Its low porosity reduces the risk of staining, making it a practical choice for busy areas. 

Azul Bahia graniitti laatat

Azul Bahia Granite Stone

Sininen Bahia graniitti laatat

Sininen Bahia graniitti laatat

Azul Bahia Granite For Countertops

Bahia Blue Granite Slabs

Azul Bahia Granite possesses an inherent luxurious vibe that contributes to its popularity in high-end interior projects. Its deep blue color and intricate veining patterns add a touch of opulence and grandeur to any space, making it a popular choice for luxury hotels, villas, and high-end commercial establishments. The use of this natural stone in a room can significantly elevate the overall decorative atmosphere.

Luxury Blue Granite Stone Factory


Luxury Blue Granite Slabs and Countertops Factory

Will my granite countertop have visible seams?

Most granite installations will require at least one or more joints called seams. During layout and design, we will try to minimize the number of seams required. The visibility of seams depends on the granularity, color, and pattern of the granite. A small uniform grain will not be as apparent as a larger varied grain. A seam in a dark color will be less apparent than a seam in a light color. A dramatic pattern with swaths of color will show more seams than a uniform pattern.

Why is some granite more expensive than others?

It is simply supplied with demand and the rarity of color. More attractive stones are in higher demand and if they come from a distant land in small quantities the price will be higher. Some stones are actually harder to quarry and thus are more expensive.

The popularity of Azul Bahia Granite in high-end interior projects can be attributed to its stunning aesthetics, versatility, durability, luxurious appeal, timelessness, and sustainability. It provides a perfect blend of beauty and functionality, making it a top choice among designers and homeowners alike. Whether used as a kitchen countertop or a statement wall, Azul Bahia Granite has the power to transform a space into a luxurious haven, reflecting a refined sense of taste and style.

Blue Bahia Granite Stone Factory-Esta Stone

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