Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Baltian ruskea graniitti turhamaisuus Topit


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Baltian ruskea graniitti turhamaisuus Topit

Baltian ruskea graniitti, jossa on hieno sekoitus ruskeita ja mustia sävyjä, joita pilkistää vaaleanharmaat ja ruskehtavat sävyt, on ollut sisustussuunnittelussa pysyvästi esillä jo vuosia. Sen maanläheinen rikkaus ja tekstuurin monimutkaisuus antavat ylellisen lopputuloksen mihin tahansa remontti- tai suunnitteluprojektiin, mikä tekee siitä ajattoman valinnan työtasoihin, lattiapinnoitteisiin ja verhouksiin sekä kodeissa että liiketiloissa.

Graniitti Materiaali: Graniitti: Baltian ruskea graniitti, Ruskea graniitti, Luonnon graniitti.
Kylpyhuoneen työtason koko: 25 "x22", 31 "x22", 37 "x / 22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22" jne.

Keittiön yläosan koko: 108 "* 28", 96 "* 28", 108 "* 25 1/2", 98 "* 26", 96 * 25 1/2" jne.
Paksuus: 20,30mm
Pinta: .
MOQ: 300 sarjaa

Graniittinen työtaso tehdas: Esta Stone

Sovellus: Esta Stone tarjoaa korkeat räätälöidyt graniittiset turhamaisuus työtasot ostoskeskuksiin, hotelleihin, asuinrakennuksiin, toimistorakennuksiin, lomakeskuksiin ja muihin kaupallisiin rakennusten bahtroom-projekteihin.


Baltic Brown Granite Vanity Tops For Home and Hotel Bathroom 

From the bustling heart of the home—the kitchen—to the sanctuary of the bathroom, Baltic Brown Granite injects an element of sophistication and practicality into any space it graces. Esteemed for its durability, the appeal of Baltic Brown Granite Countertops remains undiminished over time, making it an investment that adds not only aesthetic but also substantial value to your property.

The appeal of Baltic Brown Granite transcends beyond the domestic sphere and proves its mettle in commercial spaces as well. Hotels, villas, apartments, office buildings, hospitals, schools, malls, sports venues, and other high-traffic areas all benefit from the robustness and grandeur of Baltic Brown Granite Tile. It stands up to wear and tear while offering a visual treat, echoing the ethos of combining form and function seamlessly.

Baltic Brown Granite Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops Supplier-Esta Stone

When employed in bathroom design, the Baltic Brown Granite Bathroom Countertops and Baltic Brown Granite Vanity Tops bring in an element of natural luxury. They offer the toughness of granite with the subtle beauty of its unique color composition, presenting a practical solution that does not compromise on style.

The applications of Baltic Brown Granite are versatile, ranging from wall panels, floor tiles, stairs, paving, to wall cladding. For instance, the Baltic Brown Granite Worktop seamlessly blends functionality with elegance, offering a robust, heat-resistant surface that is perfect for daily culinary adventures in the kitchen.

YouTube video

Specification of Brown Granite 



Interior and exterior decoration in construction projects / excellent material for indoor decoration, widely used for walls, flooring tiles, staircase, Kitchen & Vanity, etc.

Koko yksityiskohdat

Saatavana eri kokoja eri tuotteille.

(1) Joukkosahan levykoot: Paksuus 2cm, 3cm, 4cm jne;

(2)Small slab sizes: 180-240up x 60-90 in thickness of 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, etc;

(3) Leikatut koot: 30x30cm, 60x30cm, 60x60cm, paksuus 2cm, 3cm, 4cm jne;

(4) Laatat: (305x305x10mm), 16 "x16" x3/8" (400x400x10mm), 18 "x18" x3/8" (457x457x10mm), 24 "x12" x3/8" (610x305x10mm) jne;

(5) Työtasojen koot: "x26", 108 "x26", 96 "x36", 108 "x36", 98 "x37" tai projektikoko jne,

(6) turhamaisuuspöydät: 25 "x 22", 31 "x 22", 37 "x 22", 49 "x 22", 61 "x 22" jne,

(7) Saatavana on myös räätälöityjä eritelmiä;

Finish Way

Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, Bush Hammered, taltattu, luonnollinen halkaistu, hiekkapuhallettu, vesisuihku jne.


Viistetty, Viiste, Ogee, Half bullnose, Double bevel, Double ogee, Muut

Baltic Brown Granite Cabinet Tops | Esta Stone


Specifically, the sizes of the Baltic Brown Granite for various interior decoration projects include countertops measuring 96”x26”, 108”x26”, 96”x36”, 108”x36”, 98”x37”; and vanity tops in sizes like 25”x22”, 31”x22”, 37”x22”, 49”x22”, 61”x22”, among others. The choice of thickness usually varies between 20mm and 30mm, depending on the specific application.

Whether it’s a Baltic Brown Granite Slab adorning a vast kitchen island or a Baltic Brown Granite Rectangular Sink Countertop enhancing the functionality of a bathroom, this remarkable stone embodies a blend of aesthetic appeal and practicality that is seldom matched.

Single Oval Sink Hole in Baltic Brown Granite Tops

Baltic Brown Granite Single OVal Sink Countertops

Baltian ruskea graniitti kylpyhuone työtasot

Baltic Brown Granite Single Sink Vanity Countertops


The unique blend of colors and textures in Baltic Brown Granite makes it a perfect complement to various color schemes. It harmonizes with most colors and materials, creating a coordinated look that enhances the overall design of any space. Whether your kitchen features sleek modern lines or exudes rustic charm, a Baltic Brown Granite Countertop will be a standout feature that ties the design together.

Tuotteet Kuvaus


Professional Granite Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops Factory


Is honed stone less durable than polished?
A stone’s finish is only topical, meaning that the durability of the stone itself isn’t impacted by the finish. However, honing opens up the pores of the material, so maintaining the stone with a penetrating sealer is critical. 

What are the differences between 3cm (1 ¼”) and 2cm (¾”) slabs?
There is no difference in the durability of one thickness over the other. The choice of thickness is personal/fabricator preference. The cost of the 2cm material is less, but the labor is more because the most preferred edge details require a laminated edge. The cost for 3cm material is more, but the cost for labor is less because a laminated edge isn’t necessary to achieve the typically desired look. Usually, the cost between the two thicknesses FINISHED is comparable.

Choosing Baltic Brown Granite for your next interior design project is an investment in durability, elegance, and timeless appeal. It brings the beauty of nature indoors, creating a sense of tranquility and earthy charm while offering the practical benefits of granite’s natural durability. So, whether you’re contemplating a kitchen remodel, a bathroom update, or a commercial fit-out, consider the timeless appeal and practicality of Baltic Brown Granite. With Esta Stone’s range of Baltic Brown Granite products, you have the assurance of superior quality, expert craftsmanship, and design versatility that can transform any space from ordinary to extraordinary.

Natural Granite Countertops Supplier-KA UNITED



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