Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Musta graniitti mosaiikki laatta


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Musta graniitti mosaiikki laatta
Materiaali: Mongolian musta graniitti
Sizes:305x305mm (12''x12'') Or Any Other Customized Sizes
Paksuus: 10mm
Pinta: Kiillotettu tai kiillotettu
MOQ: 100 SQM


Mongolian Black Granite Octagon Mosaic Tile For Swimming Pool

Chinese Mongolian Absolute Black granite is a solid black granite from India that has a very consistent color and texture. Absolute Black is recommended for both interior and exterior use to create beautiful granite countertops, floors, architectural features, and outdoor cladding. Stone mosaic tile is a great way to add depth and dimension to your home. Natural granite mosaic tiles are easy to clean and maintain. They are stain and moisture-resistant and very durable. Stone mosaic tiles are versatile and come in a variety of colors, materials, and price points, ensuring that there is something for every taste and budget.

Like a piece of ancient mosaic art, Black Granite Mosaic Tile exquisitely blends hues of black, with hints of r white. Recommended for both residential and commercial applications—from flooring to countertops, landscaping projects, and walls—this Italian, polished-slab granite creates an eclectic, vibrant look.

Black Granite Mosaic Tile is perfect for bathrooms and other areas of your home, including flooring, fireplaces, and walls. Granite or quartz showers are easier to clean and will maintain their beauty longer than any other surface solution you might be considering. We can also add a gorgeous mosaic tile inlay into your shower to add an element of style and sophistication.


China Manufacturer Granite Mongolian Black Octagon Mosaic Tiles Price


Carrara White, Calacatta Gold, Thassos White, Crema Marfil, Bianco Botticino, Travertine, Emperador Dark, Wooden Grey, Honey Onxy jne.

Levyn koko:

305x305mm (12 tuumaa x 12 tuumaa) tai muita räätälöityjä kokoja.


4mm , 6mm ,8mm ,10mm ,12mm ,

Sirun koko:

25x25mm (1 "x1"), 30x30mm (1 1/4 "x1 1/4") ja jne.


Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, liekitetty, halkaistu, poimittu, vasaroitu, taltattu, sahattu, hiekkapuhallettu, sieni, tummennettu, happopesupinta.


Neliö, Basketweave, Mini tiili, Moderni tiili, Herringbone, Subway, kuusikulmio, Octagon, Mixed, Grand fan, Penny pyöreä, Käsin leikattu, Tesserae, Random nauhat, River rocks, 3D cambered, Pinwheel, Rhomboid, Bubble pyöreä, Circle kupla, pinottu, jne.


Seinä ja lattia, sisä- ja ulkoprojektit, keittiön backsplash, kylpyhuoneen lattia, suihkun ympärys, työtaso, ruokasali, eteinen, käytävä, parveke, kylpylä, uima-allas, suihkulähde jne.

Pakkaus :

Pahvilaatikko + suojakalvo + puinen laatikko tai vanerilava tai vanerilaatikko.   


6000 neliömetriä kuukaudessa

Min tilaus:

10 neliömetriä


Näytteet ilmaiseksi

How do I mosaic an outdoor mosaic such as a patio floor, fountain, or birdbath?

For the most part, our mosaic instructions are written for making indoor mosaics with small details. This is why we recommend the “glue-then-grout” method using Weldbond glue, a water-based adhesive with no fumes. With proper grouting and sealing, these indoor mosaics should last for generations, if not thousands of years. However, mosaics for outdoor walls, patios, fountains, birdbaths, and pools are more vulnerable to moisture penetration, especially over time, and Weldbond should be avoided. While a solvent-based glue such as Liquid Nails can be used for mosaics on outdoor walls, it is probably best to avoid glues altogether and use thin-set bonding mortar to attach the tiles, especially if the mosaic is in a pool, patio, or fountain. Thinset bonding mortars are a cement product. Currently, we are using the Versabond brand of thin-set bonding mortar for outdoor mosaics. This thin-set or another brand should be available at most any building material store. Whether or not thin-set mortar is used the attach the tiles, you should grout and seal your mosaic as described elsewhere in our instructions. We also have more detailed information about the thin-set here. Illustrated instructions for using thin-set mortars to attach glass mosaic tiles are available online at the Ceramic Tile Institute of America. These instructions were written for sheets of mosaic tile mounted on paper, but the basic idea can be used for loose tiles or tiles mounted on mesh. 

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