Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Carrara valkoinen mosaiikki Marble Arabesque laatta


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Carrara valkoinen mosaiikki Marble Arabesque laatta
Materiaali: Carrara-marmori mosaiikki
Size: 75*150/100*305/305*305/305*610
Pinta: .
Tuotemerkki: ESTA STONE


Carrara White  Marble Arabesque Mosaic Tile for Bathroom Wall and Kitchen Backsplash

Marble Arabesque Mosaic tile is an exciting new look that is sweeping through the interior design community. This traditional and unique tile with its Moroccan flair is both curvy and sharp. Arabesque marble tile can replace where subway tiles would have been typically installed offering a geometric retro look that is excitingly mesmerizing, if you are looking to be inspired look no further than this mosaic.

White Carrara arabesque tiles deliver a customized look that deserves to be featured. These tiles stun in an accented picture frame configuration or, for a bolder take, on a full bathroom floor or floor-to-ceiling accent wall. Consider using a contrasting grout color to really enhance the unique shape.

Malli Popular arabesque Lantern Pattern mosaics Marble tiles
käytettävissä oleva koko 75*150/100*305/305*305/305*610/400*400/457*457/610*610/7.5*15/150*305/150*457/150*610/200*400/400*610
Kiven muoto Laatat
Pintakäsittely Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, halkaistu,...
Väri Keltainen, musta, valkoinen, vaaleanpunainen, beige, harmaa, punainen,...

Boxes + plywood crates with reinforced straps outside, Alternate films between every sheet.Customized Packing box is also available
pencil 12''x3/4''x3/4''–75pcs/box,36box/Crates
Chairail 12''x2''x1 1/5''—28pcs/box,36box/crates
Baseboard 12''x5''x3/4''—10pcs/box,36box/crates

MOQ Riippuu asiakkaiden't vaatimuksista.
Toimituskyky 5000 m2/kk
Toimitus tiedot se riippuu tilausmäärästä 
Säännöllisille asiakkaille tarjoamme uskomattomia alennuksia, näyte ilmainen toimitus, ilmainen näyte mukautetun suunnittelun, mukautetun pakkauksen ja QC kohti mukautettuja vaatimuksia.
Hyväksymme räätälöidyn suunnittelun
maksuehdot T/T, 30% talletus, 70% saldo B/L KOPIOINTI


Whether your space is sleek, classic, or cozy your backsplash can be the centerpiece of your kitchen or bathroom. Some people like to tile from their benchtop to the base of the cabinets above, while others extend their backsplash all the way to the ceiling. Whatever your preference, measure the height of your backsplash area in inches. Next, measure its length in inches. Multiply the height by length, then divide by 144 to obtain the square footage you'll need. If you'd like to tile additional areas, such as a panel above your range, measure these separately and add them to your total. 

Please remember that not all mosaic sheets are 1 square foot, so be sure to read the product information before you place your order, and make sure to read the section on overage, below, to ensure you order enough tile.

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