Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Noir St Laurent marmori


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Noir St Laurent marmori

Materiaali: Laurent musta marmori
Laatan koko: 1200 ylös*2400 ylös*20/30mm
Half Slab Koko: 600 * 1800 ylös * 20 / 30mm; 700 * 1800 ylös * 20 / 30mm
Pinta: .


Noir Saint Laurent Black Marble Slabs For Kitchen Countertops and Stair Treads Tiles

Noir St Laurent Marble A French natural stone with a dark back background ranging from brown to black, patterned by white or gold intrusions. Possible applications for Floors and Cladding in interiors and exteriors.

Noir St Laurent Marble as each stone slab is unique, sizes will vary upon availability. The average slab size is 80” x 40” – 120” x 70”. The Laurent Black Marble Tiles or special sizes may be available upon request. Thickness. Standard stock thickness is ¾” and 1 ¼” for most materials, however, 2” and other thicknesses may be available upon request.

Noir St Laurent Black Marble Slab with a robust and sophisticated appearance, the line was inspired by the exotic black marble with golden veins.

Tietoa meistä

1) We have been concentrating on natural marble for more than 12 years.

2) kokeneet työntekijät ja tehokas johtoryhmä ja palvelu


♦ Laattojen koko

1) 305 x 305 x 10mm tai 12" x 12" x 3/8".

2) 400 x 400 x 12mm tai 16" x 16" x 1/2".

3) 457 x 457 x 12mm tai 18" x 18" x 1/2".

4) 600 x 600 x 20mm tai 24" x 24" x 3/4".

5) Leikatut tai muut räätälöidyt koot

♦ Levyn koko: 1200 ylös * 2400 ylös * 20 / 30mm

♦ Puolikkaan koko: 600 * 1800 ylöspäin * 20 / 30mm; 700 * 1800 ylöspäin * 20 / 30mm.


1) Kiillotettu aste: 85 tai ylöspäin

2) Paksuuden toleranssi: -2 / + 1 mm QC tarkistaa kappaleittain tiukasti ennen pakkaamista.

3) Diagonaalinen toleranssi: +/-1mm

4) Pinnan tasaisuuden toleranssi: +/-0.3mm

5) Vierekkäisten reunojen pystysuoruuden toleranssi: +/-Tarkka leikkaus infrapuna-säde-leikkauskoneella

How often do you need to seal St.Laurent Black Marble countertops?

Yes. Laurent Black Marble is extremely porous, so it is imperative to seal the stone in order to prevent etching and stains. Most limestone countertops will be sealed when installed, but they will need to be resealed about once a year.


ESTA STONE offers many different cabinet and surface products and our expert staff will work with you to ensure you the best product, pricing, and value to fit your individual needs and budget. Make an appointment to visit our showroom to discuss these details and we will provide you an estimate. You may also email or fax your drawings for your convenience.

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