Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Outdoor graniitti lattialaatat


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Outdoor graniitti lattialaatat
Nimike: G603 Harmaa graniitti Outdoor lattialaatat Flamed pinta
Materiaali: G603 graniitti
Sizes:600x600mm;305x305mm;305x610mm, etc
Paksuus: 10, 20, 30mm
Pinta: Hiekkapuhallettu
MOQ: 100 SQM


G603 Grey Outdoor Granite Floor Tiles For Plaza and Patio Projects

The natural hardness and lower cost of maintenance of granite stone tiles make it perfect for high-traffic outdoor areas. Kitchens, living rooms, or bathrooms indoors as well as outdoor terraces or gardens boost their appearance with granite floors. But beauty is just one of the benefits you can get with a granite tile floor.  a split or flamed surface finish granite cobblestone or Outdoor Granite Floor Tiles for your driveway surface end pathway for maximum grip, a bush hammered granite paver outdoors to ensure a non-slip surface. Then carry through the same-sized granite tile internally with a honed finish for a superior feel underfoot, producing continuity from inside to out.

Outdoor Granite Floor Tiles are strong and sturdy to stand up to the elements and changing temperatures throughout the year. All of our natural stone outdoor floor tile products are made to the highest standards with the best materials, including granite, limestone, sandstone, and slates. Most outdoor stone tiles for plaza or park projects requirest grey granite, black granite collections, like G603, G654, and other Chinese granite materials.

More details of natural granite floor tile/stair:
Materiaali 100% luonnonkivi
Väri Harmaa, vaaleanpunainen, punainen, musta, tummanharmaa, keltainen jne.
Pinnan viimeistely Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, liekitetty + harjattu, Bush vasaroitu, happo, nahoitettu, hiekkapuhallettu, luonnollinen jne.
Koko Graniitti laatta Koko:
305x610mm, jne.
Graniittiportaiden ja nousuportaiden koko:
Muut räätälöidyt koot ovat saatavilla
Paksuus 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm jne.
Hakemus Sisätilojen ja ulkotilojen koristelu
Laadunvalvonta Kaikki tuotteet tarkastaa kokenut QC
MOQ Pieni kokeilutilaus on tervetullut
Näyte Ilmainen näyte (10x10cm)
Paketti Puinen laatikko, puinen kuormalava, puinen runko, vanerilaatikko, vanerilava jne.
Toimitus Around 15-25 days after receiving the deposit

1-FAQWhy should I install natural stone in my bathroom?

Se on paljon helpompi puhdistaa kuin muut työtasot, ja se kestää naarmuja, kolhuja ja naarmuja. Näin voit nauttia työtasostasi eikä sinun tarvitse huolehtia sen korvaamisesta lähiaikoina.

Maintaining Your Outdoor Granite Countertops

Your new granite countertops will look fabulous. But how do you keep them looking that way? Talk to the installer to see if the countertops require a seal. Sunshine and rain will naturally wash away stains from food, but if the surface is absorbent then you will want to apply some kind of sealer to prevent spills from things like wine or mustard from leaving behind a long-term mark.

Otherwise for general cleaning, you should be able to hose off your granite countertops and then use a non-abrasive detergent to remove surface dust and dirt that builds up from pollen, food spills, and other bits of general outdoor grime. A good way to slow down the buildup of gunk on your counters is to leave them covered when not in use if your outdoor kitchen is not covered by any kind of roof or awning.

Sun, rain, hail, and snow will take a toll on your countertops. Just like natural stone that wears down over time from exposure to the elements, granite countertops in an outdoor kitchen will wear down over time, too. Keeping them covered and having them re-surfaced on an as-necessary basis will go a long way toward extending their longevity though.

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