Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Shanxi musta graniitti


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Shanxi musta graniitti
Nimike: Musta ja kulta Magma graniitti laatat työtasot ja laatat
Materiaali: Magma Gold Granite, musta ja kultainen graniitti.
Koko: 1800 (enintään) x 600 (enintään) mm; 2400 (enintään) x 1200 (enintään) mm.
Paksuus: 18,20,30mm
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu
MOQ: 100 SQM
Tuotemerkki: Esta Stone
Graniitti Sovellus: graniitti: Sisä- tai ulkotilojen työtasot, jalkalistat, lattia- ja seinäpäällysteet.


Chinese Granite Shanxi Black Slabs For Countertops and Tiles 

Shanxi Black Granite is one of the purest black stones in the world. It can be used in tombstones and monuments. Shanxi Black Granite has a very high gloss, equivalent to the front of a mirror, and does not fade or change color even after years of exposure to wind and sun.

As the black color stone, Shanxi Black Polished Granite represents solemnity and introversion. Therefore, black granite is widely used in cemeteries and mausoleums to make natural granite tombstones. Whether in China or overseas markets, Shanxi black tombstone is the most popularly liked. It is made in many styles, including artistic tombstones, luxury tombstones, traditional tombstones, central style tombstones, family tombs, and so on, all of which choose to use Granite Shanxi Black as the main monument tombstone. Shanxi Black, as a domestic black granite, can be considered a high-grade material for tombstones.
Besides Tombstone Application, Shanxi Pure Black Granite is also suitable for indoor and outdoor projects, from floors, walls, columns, stairs, and other usages. And Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops in Residence projects also prefer to choose Chinese Shanxi Black Granite Stone.

1: Basic Size Information | Pure Black Granite | Esta Stone

Chinese Top Quality Shanxi Black Granite Stone Slabs
Koko Laatta: 2800 x 1800mm, 2800 x 1600mm, 2600 x 1600mm, 2500 x 1500mm, 2400 x 1400mm, 2400 x 1200mm.
Kaakeli: 305 x 305mm, 305 x 610mm, 610 x 610mm jne.
Leikkauskoko: 300 x 300mm, 300 x 600mm, 600 x 600mm jne.
Muut koot räätälöityjen pyyntöjen mukaan.
Pinta Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, WaterJet, nahoitettu.
Paketin tiedot 1) Laatta: muovi sisällä + vahva merikelpoinen puinen nippu ulkopuolella
2) Laatat: vaahtomuovi sisällä + vahvat merikelpoiset puulaatikot, joissa on vahvistetut hihnat ulkopuolella.
3) Työtaso: vaahtomuovi sisällä + vahvat merikelpoiset puulaatikot, joissa on vahvistetut hihnat ulkopuolella.

2: Photos | Chinese Black Granite | Esta Stone

Shanxi Black Granite Polished  Slab

Shanxi musta graniitti kivi

Shanxi Pure Black Granite

3. Musta ylellinen graniitti laatat ja laatat tehdas

Black Granite Factory-Esta Stone

4: Why Choose Chinese Shanxi Black Granite?

Shanxi Black is known as the world’s purest black granite, with its uniform structure, high gloss, pure black shining, and warm and graceful texture. And Shanxi Black is very hard, natural, and non-staining, so it is very suitable to be placed outdoors. Shanxi black in the outdoor sun and rain will not change color, even after thousands of years, can still maintain its original color. Therefore, Shanxi black stone as a tombstone and indoor and outdoor decoration has been much liked, even though the price of Shanxi black is higher than the price of general black granite stone.

Pure Black Granite Factory

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