Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Hopeanharmaa travertiini lattialaatat


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Hopeanharmaa travertiini lattialaatat
Materiaali: Hopeanharmaa travertiini
Paksuus: 10, 20, 30mm


Silver Grey Travertine Tiles For Hotel Lobby Floor and Luxury Store Decoration Projects

Grey Travertine or Silver Travertine in the domestic market. This stone gets too much attention in domestic or foreign markets as it has a different color and tissue, unlike the other travertines Stone takes part among the rare travertines that consist of grey color and formation of onyx with specific figure.

Silver Grey Travertine Floor Tiles are a mixture of light and dark gray with minimal beige tones. Silver Travertine Tumbled Pavers can be described as Off-Silver, Beige and there is significant movement throughout and a high variation should be expected. Travertine Pavers come in tumbled, honed, and unfilled.

Tuotteet Luonnollinen travertiini
Väri Silver Grey
Tuotteet Laatat, laatat, jalkalistat, työtasot, turhamaisuuspinnat, kulutuspinnat, nousupinnat, baaritiskit, ruokapöydät, mosaiikki, reunukset jne.
Mitta 1. Jengisahalevyt: 240up x 120up cm, paksuus 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm jne.
2. Puolikkaat: 180 ~ 240 × 60/70/80/90cm, paksuus 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm jne.
3. Leikkaa kokoon: 30x30cm, 40x40cm, 30x60cm, 60x6cm, 120x60cm jne.
4. Laatat: 40x40x1cm, 45.7×45.7x1cm, 45.7×45.7x1cm.
5. Työtasot: 96''x26'', 108''x26'', 96''x36'', 108''x36'' tai mukautettu koko.
6. Turhamaisuuspöydät: 25''x19''/22'', 31''x19''/22'', 37''x19''/22'', 43''x22'', 49''x22'', 61''x22'', 73''x22''
Reunaprosessi Litteä kiillotettu, Half Bullnose, Full Bullnose, 1/4 & #039; ' viiste, 3/8 & #039; ' Pyöreä, Ogee, Dupont, vesiputous, lyijykynä, miter-reuna, taltattu reuna jne.
Pinta Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, liekitetty, hiekkapuhallettu, taltattu, puskivasaroitu, ananas, vesisuihku.
Paketti Puulaatikko, vanerilava, kartonki, materiaalien mukaan.

Bring inspiring style to your space with stunning Silver Grey Travertine Floor Tiles. A beautiful blend of silvers, grays, and creams, this grey travertine collection adds instant sophistication and understated elegance. The robust line offers several options of flooring, wall tile, and decorative mosaics and features a vein-cut look that delivers a breath of fresh air to traditional cross-cut travertine.

Graniitti ja marmoritehdas


There are many opinions on the best way to clean marble floors, while there are people who support the original remedies, at Mármoles Serrat, we recommend the use of specific products for it. The best marble floor cleaner does not exist, as it depends on the finish and type of the marble.


There are many differences between marble floor polishing and marble floor glossing. 

To get glossed marble, it will be enough to apply a specific product using a specific machine, which will help it to recover the shine of the natural stone.

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