Spider White Marble With Gold Veins Slabs for Kitchen Countertops and Floor Tiles
Golden Spider Marble. Golden Spider Marble is a white base with golden yellow streaks quarried from Greece. This white marble with gold veins material is divided into three styles: 1. Red root on white background; 2. Red root on a yellow background; 3. Yellow root on yellow background. There are dense net and sparse net, 50% of the materials have gray lines, brown lines, and loose materials are the main defects. This material has low yield, difficult glue mending, and easy edge and corner collapse.
It is a very elegant marble with a fragile, very glassy structure and limited availability. The slabs of Golden Spider are always treated with resin to improve their structural qualities. This stone is especially good for Exterior – Interior wall and floor applications, countertops, mosaic, fountains, pool, and wall capping, and other design projects.
Product: Golden Spider marble, White marble with gold vein, Gold spider marble floor and wall tiles |
Color: White marble with gold veins |
Viimeistely: kiillotus, hoonaus, liekki, mekaaninen saha, liekki + napsutus, antiikki, kyynärpää, taltta, hiekkapuhallus, vesiruiskutus jne. |
Kivituotteet: kiinteäkokoiset laatat, satunnaiset pienet levyt, sahalaudat, askelmat ja nousuportaat, työtasot, pesualtaiden työtasot, keittiön työtasot, pesualtaat, veistokset, puutarhatarvikkeet jne. |
Laattakoko: 12" x12" x3/8", 16" x16" x3/8", 300x600mm, 600x600mm, 30x90mm jne. |
Pakkaus: vahva puulaatikko |
laatu: |
(1) Tarkista yksi kerrallaan leikkaamisesta pakkauksen laadunvalvontaan. |
(2) Paksuuden toleranssi +/- 1 mm (ohuille keraamisille laatoille +/- 0,5 mm). |
(3) Markkinoiden mukaan kiillotusaste on 70-95, |
Tuotannon läpimenoaika: 1×20' säiliöitä voidaan käyttää 2-4 viikon kuluessa. |
Hintaehdot: FOB / CFR / CIF |
Maksutapa: tilisiirto; remburssi D/P |
Target markets: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the United States, North America, South America, the Caribbean, Australia, Eastasia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc. |
What is the difference between polished marble and honed marble?
Polished marble is has a shiny, high-gloss look. It’s very smooth and its coating acts as a protectant. Honed marble is a flatter finish, it’s less reflective. People often choose honed marble because it is less likely to scratch or etch. A scratch on a matte surface will usually be less noticeable than on a shiny finish. However, honed marble will be more susceptible to stains because the pores of the stone are closer to the surface. Both options are suitable for most applications, including use in kitchens and bathrooms.