Indian Tan Brown Granite Polished Floor And Wall Paving Tiles
Tan brown granite is known best for its durability and unique feature of dark brown, black and grey flecks. It is almost 100% water resistant that makes it a great choice for kitchen countertops interior and exterior projects. Tan Brown Granite Tile is an excellent granite tile for flooring, walls, and countertops.
Beautiful polished tiles in tan brown granite, vivid texture of dark brown color with black flecks. Highly durable granite is perfect for walling, flooring, and other building installation. Exact calibrated Cut to Size in tan brown granite tiles (Length x width x thickness) Size(Inch) : 18 x 18 x 5/8 Size(CM) : 45.7 x 45.7 x 1.6 Size(MM) : 457 x 457 x 1.6. The tiles are immensely popular for wall cladding and flooring needs. The bathroom with Tan Brown cladding and flooring looks very beautiful. You can use tiles as flooring and cladding with Tan Brown or any other light brown granite as the sink for your bathroom.
Granite Surface Finish: |
Polished, Flamed, Honed, Hammered usually |
Saatavilla oleva koko:
1) laatat: 2800up x 1600up x 20/30mm |
2) Pienet laatat (kaistaleet): 600/700/800/900mm x 1800up x 18/20/30mm jne. |
3) Leikkaa kokoon: 300x300mm, 600x600mm, 300x600mm, 300x900mm, 1200x600mm jne. Paksuus 18/20/30mm |
4) Askel: 100-150×30-35×2/3cm |
5) Nouseva: 2cm: 100-150×15-20x2cm |
6)Tile:12''x12''x3/8'',18''x18''x1/2'' or other sizes |
7) Yläosat: For Vanity Tops: 25''x19''/22'',31''x19''/22'', 24”x36”, 26”x36”, 22”x34”,37''x19''/22'', 49''x19''/22'',61''x19''/22'' etc.(single or double sinks) Keittiöön ja työtasolle: 28”x96”, 96''x26'', 96''x25-1/2'', 78''x25-1/2'', 78''x26'', 72''x26'', 36”x78”, 108”x25.5", 108 "x26", 108 "x28" jne. Työtason niemekkeelle: 36 "x78", 39 "x78", 28 "x78" jne. Välipalatiskille: 12 "x78", 15 "x78", 98 "x18", 108 "x18" jne. Altaan ja pesualtaan osalta: 420x150mm,440x150mm,430x160mm,180x115mm etc. Paksuus: 3/4" tai 1,5" tai muita voidaan saada tarpeidesi mukaan. |
Where does tan brown granite come from in India?
Tan Brown Graniitti on luonnollista maanväristä graniittia Intiasta. Tämän graniitin tausta on tummanruskea, ja siinä on suklaan ja ruskehtavan värisiä kukkia ja kiteitä. Tan Brownin louhokset sijaitsevat Intian Telanganan osavaltiossa. Tämä on kaunis ja hienostunut graniitti, jota on hyvä käyttää sisä- ja ulkotiloissa.