Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Valkoinen Volakas marmorilaatta


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Valkoinen Volakas marmorilaatta
Materiaali: Marmori: Valkoinen Volakas-marmori
Koko: 3200*1600 3200*1400
3200*1800 3000*1400
3000*1500 3000*1600
Paksuus: 18,20,30mm
Pinta: .


White Volakas Marble Slabs For Wall Panel Tiles and Stair Steps

Volakas Marble Colors as the white background with the fine grey veinings is appreciated in every part of the world because is suitable with the common idea of the “classic” marble. This stone is used for every kind of indoor project because perfectly matches classical or modern moods.

Volakas Marble is a material that dominates the commercial project space. It is used all around the world in large towers, hotels, government buildings, and not excluding personal homes.

Regardless of the material, pattern, and finish, Volakas white is loved by designers and owners, and is widely used in high-end hotels, high-end villas, high-end leisure places, etc.

Tuotteen nimi white stone kitchen tiles large standard Volakas marble floor tile
Stander size 3200*1600 3200*14003200*1800 3000*14003000*1500 3000*1600welcome to custom size
Paksuus 12mm 15mm 18mm 20mm 30mm
Väri any color is available
Käyttö Slab, Countertop, Kitchen top, Vanity top, island top, Tabletop, Floor, Wall tile,
Decorative Borders, threshold, windows sill, tub surround, shower tray
and so on
Pakkaus Wooden bundles, wooden crates, and wooden cases, plywood case
Toimitusaika within 10-15 days after received a 30% deposit

Miten puhdistan työtasot?

Kun puhdistat luonnonkivitasoja, käytä luonnonkiven puhdistusainetta, jota saat paikallisesta rautakaupasta, tai kysy myyntitiimiltämme tarjoamistamme tuotteista. Älä käytä astianpesuaineita, lasinpuhdistusaineita, etikkaa tai valkaisuainetta. Tällaiset puhdistusaineet voivat aiheuttaa kalvon työtasoihin ja heikentää kiven kauneutta.

Are marble tiles expensive?

No! Marble tiles are not that expensive too but marble tiles require high maintenance, simply because they can often get stained and scratched with more use and excessive foot traffic. All these lead to certain additional expenses from time to time.

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