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Black Galaxy granite countertop
Black Galaxy granite is a striking stone known for its deep black background adorned with shimmering golden and silver speckles, resembling a starry night sky. Quarried in India, this granite is highly sought after for its luxurious appearance and durability. Ideal for countertops, it offers excellent resistance to heat, scratches, and stains, making it perfect for kitchens and bathrooms. The unique pattern of each slab ensures that no two installations are alike, adding a touch of individuality to any space. Easy to maintain, Black Galaxy granite enhances both modern and traditional interiors, making it a popular choice among homeowners and designers alike.
Color: granite slab, black galaxy granite
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Paksuus: 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm jne.
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, hiottu, nahoitettu.
MOQ: 300 SQM
Black galaxy granite: ESTA STONE
Usages: Our black galaxy granite is Suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
Application: Esta Stone offers black galaxy granite for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.
Esta Stone’s Leathered or Polished Versace Black Granite, which is sourced from Brazil, is a high-end natural stone that goes by the name Matrix Black Granite. This Leathered Surface Black Granite has a wonderful, dazzling, and brilliant texture, similar to liquid silver. The distinguishing characteristics lend this natural black granite stone a stylish and regal appearance. , giving it an elegant look fit for a variety of residential and commercial projects.
cosmic black granite
Few materials can catch the senses in the vastness of the natural world quite like the captivating Cosmic Black Granite Slab. After millions of years, the unmatched forces of the earth created this amazing natural stone, which is a true masterpiece. It is a highly sought-after option for discriminating homeowners, architects, and designers alike because of its seductive and enigmatic appearance, which is a monument to the amazing force and beauty of nature.
Color: granite slab, cosmic black granite
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Paksuus: 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm jne.
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, hiottu, nahoitettu.
MOQ: 300 SQM
cosmic black granite: ESTA STONE
Usages: Our cosmic black granite is suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
Application: Esta Stone offers cosmic black granite for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.
Angola musta graniitti
Angola Black Granite is a very popular natural stone that is prized for both its toughness and remarkable look. This granite is used for a number of applications, such as worktops, floors, and wall cladding. It is primarily black with faint veining of white and gray.
Color: granite slab, Angola Black Granite
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Paksuus: 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm jne.
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, hiottu, nahoitettu.
MOQ: 300 SQM
Angola Black Granite: ESTA STONE
Usages: Our Angola Black Granite is suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
Application: Esta Stone offers Angola Black Granite for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.
Black Galaxy granite
Star Galaxy granite, also known as black galaxy granite, is a stunning and opulent natural stone that has become quite popular in the interior and exterior design industry. This granite, which is mostly from the quarries of Andhra Pradesh, India, is well known for its unusual look. It has a dark black backdrop with specks of shimmering gold or white that mimic stars in the night sky.
Color: granite slab, black galaxy granite
Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
Paksuus: 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm jne.
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, hiottu, hiottu, nahoitettu.
MOQ: 300 SQM
Black galaxy granite: ESTA STONE
Usages: Our black galaxy granite is Suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
Application: Esta Stone offers black galaxy granite for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.
Popular Angola Black granitе is distinguishеd by its uniquе whitе and gray vеining and dееp black color. Situatеd on thе wеstеrn coast of Southеrn Africa, thе country of Angola is thе sitе of its quarriеs.
Angola Black Granitе is a popular option for a range of applications, such as worktops, flooring, wall cladding, and other intеrior and еxtеrior dеsign projects. It is highly rеspеctеd for its еxquisitе bеauty and durability. Thе granitе’s striking whitе and gray vеins givе thе stonе pеrsonality and visual appеal, whilе its dееp black color givеs it a slееk and еlеgant appеarancе.
Uppoudu pimeyden yltäkylläisyyteen mustilla graniittilaatoilla. Erityisesti musta graniittilaatta 12×12, joka on vertaansa vailla olevan esteettisen vetovoiman ja käytännöllisen toiminnallisuuden ruumiillistuma, herättää henkiin lukemattomia arkkitehtonisia ihmeitä. Kiillotettu musta graniittilaatta, joka säteilee intensiivistä, tummanmustaa sävyä, tarjoaa erinomaisen vaihtoehdon erilaisiin sisä- ja ulkotiloihin. Nämä puhtaat mustat graniittilaatat ovat erittäin kysyttyjä sekä perinteisissä että nykyaikaisissa malleissa, ja ne täyttävät saumattomasti klassisen ja modernin tyylin välisen kuilun.
Musta graniitti Kohde: Graniitti: Kiillotettu musta graniitti lattia- ja seinälaatat kaupallisiin projekteihin.
Graniitin värit: Musta graniitti: Kiinalainen musta graniitti, Mongolian musta graniitti
Lattian ja seinän koko: 600×600, 300×300, 800×800, 1200×800 tai räätälöityjä.
Paksuus: 10,12,16,18,20,30mm.
Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, liekitetty, Bush vasaroitu
MOQ: 100 SQM
Musta graniitti laatta tehdas: Esta Stone
Sovellus: Esta Stone tarjoaa korkealaatuisia ja kohtuullisia hintoja musta graniitti laatat sisä- ja ulkotilojen lattia, seinäprojektit kaupallisiin rakennushankkeisiin.