Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Ionia Marble Floor


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Ionia Marmori laatat

Ionia Marmori laatat

Ionia Marble is renowned for its exceptional quality and distinctive features. Usually, it has an off-white or white base color with complex veining patterns in gray, beige, or gold tones. Depending on the particular variation of Ionia Marble, the veining may be powerful and dramatic or delicate and subtle.

Ionia Marble’s durability and aesthetic appeal have made it a popular material for usage in sculpture and building throughout history. It has been used in the construction of monuments, palaces, and temples, among other structures. Ionia Marble has also been used to create elaborate mosaics, sculptures, and decorative components.

  • Marble Item:  Inoia Marble   
  • Marble Color: Inoia Marble; White Marble
  • Marble  Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
  • Paksuus: 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm jne.
  • Pinta: Kiillotettu, hiottu, nahoitettu
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Valkoinen marmoritehdas: ESTA STONE

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