Professional Stone Cut-to-Size laatat ja työtasot Factory

Tundran harmaa marmorinen lattialaatta


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Tundran harmaa marmori hiottu laatat

Tundra harmaa marmori seinälaatat hotellin aulassa

Tundra Grey marble available at Esta Stone Factory features unique veins and a non-uniform texture in shades of grey. The polished finish of Tundra Grey marble exudes classical luxury and sober, formal style. It is an exclusive marble that creates a lasting impression at first sight. Its durability and ability to withstand interior space, floor and wall areas of hotels, malls, office buildings, and lobbies make it a perfect choice for modern-day decoration indoor spaces.


  1. Marmorituote: Tundra Grey turkkilainen marmori lattialaatat ja seinälaatat
  2. Marmori Materiaali: Marmori: Tundran harmaa marmori, luonnonharmaa marmori.
  3. Lattia- ja seinälaattojen koot: 30x30cm, 60x30cm, 60x60cm.
  4. Surface: Polished, Honed, and brushed
  5. Paksuus: 10,18,20,30mm
  6. MOQ: 300 SQM
  7. Marmoritehdas: Esta Stone
  8. Usages: Esta Stone provides 30+ good prices in high-quality natural grey marble for any interior floor, wall, and vanity countertops in commercial and residential projects.
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