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12×24 carreaux de granit


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12×24 carreaux de granit

Matériau : Granit rose G664
Épaisseur : 18, 20, 30 mm
Surface : Polie, adoucie
MOQ : 100 SQM


12''x24'' Size Paving Slabs with G664 Pink Granite Tile For Floor And Wall 

Chinese Pink G664 Stone 12×24 Granite Tile Polished Floor and Wall Tile. The granite flooring tile's colors are very nice for your space, like the bathroom, kitchen floor, and commercial lobby. if you want to find a granite floor tiles price list you can have a discussion whit our team. 

Granite G664 12×24 Granite Tile is one of the most durable natural stones and creates a scintillating ambiance inside any area of your residential or commercial property. It has a porous surface and is known for its hardness, durability, and classy reflect. It is popularly used as kitchen countertop, work surface, wall tiles, and floor tile.

Matériau :   G664 Pink Granite
Article : Carreaux, Coupes sur mesure, Dalles
  Taille de carreaux la plus courante : 305x305mm, 300x600mm, 305x610mm, 400x400mm, 457x457mm, 400x800mm,
600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm,
600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm,
1200x600mm, ou d'autres dimensions selon la demande du client.
Petite taille de dalle populaire (demi) : 240up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm
250up x 60cm/70cm/80cmOu autres dimensions selon la demande du client
Grandes dalles populaires : 240up x 120up cm, 240up x 130up cm
250up x 120up cm, 250up x 130up cm
260up x 140up cm, 260up x 150up cmOu autres dimensions selon la demande du client
Épaisseur habituelle : 1.0cm, 1.5cm, 1.8cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm etc.
Fini :  Poli, adouci, flammé, bouchardé, sablé, ciselé, etc... 
Paquet : par des caisses en bois fortement fumigées, des palettes en bois, des ballots en bois, etc... 
Échantillons Des échantillons gratuits seront fournis une fois que la demande aura été formulée. 

What about the filled lines in the granite slabs?

A good number of granite colors that are very beautiful with a variety of colors and veins that flow in different directions are not truly "granites" in strict geological terms. Though they are commonly called granites, they are actually Gneiss or Schists stones. "True granite" stones scale between 6 and 7 on MOH's scale of hardness (diamond hardness is 10). Whereas, the MOH's scale for Gneiss and Schist is less than 6.

In order to strengthen these stones to be used as countertops, they undergo a process called resignation, where epoxy resin is used to fill the weak spots of these stones. These slabs, with the visually filled lines, do not break or crack once they are installed, with proper care. If any problem does happen, it will happen during fabrication or transportation. Mascarello, Copenhagen, Louise Blue, Barricato, Betularie, and many more popular stones belong to this category. A lot of customers do not mind the fill lines and visual imperfections because of the beauty of these natural stones.

As with the pitting mentioned in the prior section, if you are a perfectionist and do not want any imperfections, then you should choose another type of stone.

What types of finishes are available for granite?

There are three finishes available for granite (though they may not be all available for any specific type you choose):

Polished: A shiny, glossy surface. This is by far the most popular. •

Adouci : Une finition mate.

Brushed: A rough texture. Suitable for outdoor kitchens, though some designers like to use it inside as well.

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