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Dalle de marbre foncé Emperador


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Dalle de marbre foncé Emperador

Matériau : Marbre foncé Emperador
Tailles : Longueur 220-270cm, Largeur 140-180cm
Epaisseur 1,5cm, 1,6cm, 1,8cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm ;
Surface : Polie, adoucie
MOQ : 100 SQM


Spanish Brown Color Stone Dark Emperador Marble Slabs For Floor and Wall Tiles 

Emperador Dark Marble Slab is an alluring natural stone from Spain featuring a range of dark, rich browns and grays. This brown marble is recommended for both residential and commercial property installations. Fashion beautiful marble countertops, marble tile floors, accent walls, and other features with slabs and coordinating tiles from the Emperador Dark collection.

Emperador Dark Marble Tile is truly a wonderful choice for floor and wall covering in your home or business. Precision cutting and fine polishing of the stone adds a feeling of elegance, sophistication, and lasting beauty. These choices of Natural Marble can enliven your entryway, dining room, bathroom, and virtually any room.

The Spanish Emperador Dark Marble Slab is a historical stone used throughout the colonial buildings of the Iberic Peninsula. It is the most popular brown marble on the stone decoration market. Its dark brown color with defined white veins are the qualities that highlighted the beauty of this stone for many centuries.

Emperador Dark Marble is a powerful and dominant Marble that is sure to make a statement with its Dark Brown/Black base and light brown to gold clouded veins.

Nom du produit Natural brown premium dark Emperador marble slabs
Matériau Marbre naturel
Couleur brown
Épaisseur 15mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm, ou sur mesure
Taille des dalles 1800upx600mm ; 1800upx650mm ; 1800upx700mm etc.
2400upx600mm ; 2400upx650mm ; 2400upx700mm etc.
Taille des carreaux 300x300mm ; 600x600mm ; 450x450mm etc.

Polie, adoucie ou personnalisée

Traitement des bords Découpe à la machine, bords arrondis, etc.
Emballage Caisse en bois en état de navigabilité, palette

What is the best method to re-polish an Emperador marble floor installation that is dull and scratched?

Stone is made shiny by working the surface until it is smooth enough to reflect light. When the surface has been roughed up to the point that light does not reflect evenly, the marble looks dull and needs to be refinished. The first point is to determine the depth of the scratches. Deep scratches are not only visible but can be felt with the fingernail. Light scratches can be seen, but not felt. If they are only slight, they can be buffed with a standard floor machine and a red pad. Deep scratches are removed by grinding/sanding the surface down until the scratches no longer show. The surface is then refinished with Multi-Seal Refinisher to bring the shine back. Once a floor is restored to its original condition, a maintenance program should be set up and there are a number of companies that provide the components and instructional guidelines. 

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