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Carreaux de granit pour murs extérieurs


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G682 Rusty Granite Natural Split Stone Tiles For Exterior Walls Cladding 

G682 Rusty Granite Walls are background walls that generate naturally as background in Granite Caves. Like other natural walls, they normally drop nothing when destroyed with a hammer, promote enemy spawns, and are invalid for housing. However, Granite Walls generated as part of Underground Cabins can be picked up, prevent enemy spawns, and be used for housing (if the Cabin is repaired). Usable Granite Walls can also be crafted from Granite Blocks. 

Granite is the most commonly used stone type in thin stone wall systems. The commercial classification of Granite Tiles For Exterior Walls usually refers to a stone that includes any visibly granular igneous rock consisting of mostly feldspar and quartz minerals. This commercial term encompasses a wide variety of geologic stone types rather than only the limited number that fall under the geologic classification of granite. 

Granite Tiles For Exterior Walls as it has everything that is required in classy, luxurious, and elegant looking interior and exterior projects. These granite tiles are available in various finishes, choose something that goes well with the overall décor of your space. For instance, you might want to look for polished granite tiles for areas like the drawing-room or the living room.

                 Des tailles courantes et des tailles personnalisées sont disponibles
Taille Épaisseur
Carrelage 300 x 300mm 
600 x 600mm 
800 x 800mm 
600 x 300 mm, etc.
15 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, etc.
Petites dalles 1800(up) x 600-900(up)mm 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, etc.
Grandes dalles 2400(up) x 1200(up)mm 16 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm, etc.

96" x 25.5", 108" x 26" , 96" x26" ,

108" x 25", etc.

3/4", 3/8", 1/2", etc.
Haut de l'île



3/4", 3/8", 1/2", etc.

31 "x22", 37 "x22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22",

73 "x22", etc.

3/4", 3/8", 1/2", etc.
Escaliers, marches et contremarches 1000~1300x300x20/30mm & 1000~1300x150x20mm

Natural wall stone cladding Panel Tiles

We are a leading natural granite and marble stone cladding tiles supplier of natural stone wall cladding panels for any project. We provide you with the best range of stone cladding with effective and on-time delivery. These kinds of cladding also help to make the exterior decorative and more attractive to improve the aesthetic appeal.

Stone cladding for outside walls is the most appropriate option to choose as they include natural stones and add exceptional beauty to the place where they are installed. Exterior stone for homes will bring beauty, durability, and resistance to your walls or floors in your room or bathroom.

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