Usine professionnelle de fabrication de carreaux et de comptoirs en pierre taillée sur mesure

Accrocher une plaque de granit au mur


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Accrocher une plaque de granit au mur
Matériau : Granit gris argenté œil de dragon
Sizes:60x60(24''x24'') , 30.5x30.5(12''x12''), 45.7x45.7(18''x18'')
Épaisseur : 10, 20, 30 mm
Surface : Polie
MOQ : 100 SQM


Silver Grey Granite Slab For Building External Cladding Projects

Natural Stone Panel Tiles For Hanging Granite Slab On Wall are background walls that generate naturally as background in Granite Caves. Like other natural walls, they normally drop nothing when destroyed with a hammer, promote enemy spawns, and are invalid for housing. However, Granite Walls generated as part of Underground Cabins can be picked up, prevent enemy spawns, and be used for housing (if the Cabin is repaired). Usable Granite Walls can also be crafted from Granite Blocks.

Cladding Panel Tiles as Hanging Granite Slab On Wall are perfect for adding a touch of elegance and shine to the interior walls. They enhance the value and likeability of your home. Granite can also help create a sense of continuity between the indoor and outdoor spaces. Granite wall tiles transform the surfaces of any area and upgrade the interior décor to a different exclusive level.

Taille standard populaire : 

(There are some popular standard size and Custom size is also acceptable)
1) Dalle : 250upx130up , 240upx60,70,80,90cm
2) Revêtement du sol et des murs : 60×60(24''x24'') , 30.5×30.5(12''x12''), 45.7×45.7(18''x18'')
3) marche d'escalier et contremarche : 150x33x3 & 150x15x2cm
4) Comptoir de cuisine et plan de travail : 96''x26''x2 & 49''x22''x2cm




Comptoir de cuisine

Dessus de meuble

12 "x12"

(305X305 ou 300X300)


96 "x36"

25 "x22"

24 "X12"

(610X305 ou 600X300)


96 "x25 1/2"

31 "x19"/22"

24 "x24"

(610X610 ou 600X600)


96 "x16"

37 "x19"/22"

18 "X18"



78 "x36"

49 "x19"/22"



78 "x25 1/2"

61 "x19"/22"


Selon le
 votre demande

72 "x36"

73 "x19"/22"


Selon votre demande

Selon votre dessin

Épaisseur : 10 mm ; 12 mm ; 15 mm ; 18 mm ; 20 mm ; 25 mm ; 30 mm ; 35 mm ; 40 mm ; 45 mm ; 50 mm ; etc.

Dalles et carreaux de granit Pacakges

How easy is it to care for granite countertops & how do I clean off spills? 

“Very easy! Just wipe your granite countertops with a mixture made of mild soap and water, or you can use an ammonia-free window cleaner. That will keep them looking new for years to come. For spills, immediately blot the spill with a paper towel; do not wipe. If you see a stain (which will be rare), flush the area with a mix of plain water and a bar of mild soap. Then dry the area with a soft towel. Repeat if needed.”

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