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Carrara White Marble Floor Tiles For Hotel Floor and Wall Interior Cladding

Carrara White Marble is the ultimate classic marble tile. Its gorgeous white body with contrasting light gray veining continues to be a design favorite year after year. Use on walls or floors for a look that withstands trends. Carrara marble tiles are classic white marble with a mixed fleuri and vein cut that blend to create subtle yet distinctive patterns. The veining in white Carrara marble is mainly gray with a light to white background, but Carrara can also have a slight gold tint to its veining that provides added dimension.

White Carrara marble and Carrara marble tiles have long been the preferred choice for cathedrals, monuments, museums, government buildings, and homes around the world. 

This white marble is used a lot in sculpture, and can also be used for a variety of tiles and decor. With linear veins, Carrara marble tile is often dramatic in texture and richness. It is one of the most common types of marble that you can find in homes and private residences and is typically seen in bathrooms due to its pristine whiteness.

सामग्री Carrara white marble
मूल इटली
लोडिंग बंदरगाह ज़ियामेन बंदरगाह
रंग White with Gray Vein.
सतही परिष्करण पॉलिश, सम्मानित, आदि
मोटाई 18एमएम
नियमित आकार 12 गुणा 24 इंच, 24 गुणा 24 इंच, 24 गुणा 36 इंच
पैकेट कार्टन बक्से और लकड़ी के टोकरे की पैकिंग।
MOQ 107.6 वर्ग फुट.
समय सीमा जमा प्राप्त करने के बाद पहले एक कंटेनर के लिए 10 ~ 15 दिन
मूल्य की शर्तें एफओबी/सीएफआर/सीआईएफ
नमूने निःशुल्क नमूने उपलब्ध हैं
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Marble flooring comes in a wide range of color options but is often sorted into three main categories.

Marble flooring tiles come in varying colors and surface patterns. The contrasting color lines running through the surface are known as veining, which can be heavy and pronounced or delicate and barely noticeable. While more than a hundred varieties of marble exist, there are three main categories, each type identified by its appearance.

Carrara Marble: This popular white marble was used centuries ago in ancient Greece and Rome, appearing in massive pillars and elaborate statues. Today, Carrara marble flooring tiles can be found in limited hues, ranging from light to warm white, and its surface features medium to light gray veining.

Calacatta Marble: A white marble similar to Carrara, Calacatta is closer to pure white in color and features darker gray veining, which creates a contrasting look.

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