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Chinese G562 Marple Red Small Granite Slab for Stair Tiles

Esta Stone has been in the industry for over ten years and we specialize in the fabrication of natural stone countertops, floor tiles, cobblestone. We are a fabricator located in the south of China and our goal is to provide affordable granite and marble tops. As with other smaller businesses in this industry, our company never had a large inventory. We would have sample slabs of the most popular colors in our yard for customers to see.

There is no such thing as a small granite slab specifically for a single purpose. If you find granite bathroom countertop slabs you want to use for a kitchen, go for them. Just because they’re labeled as granite countertops for kitchens doesn’t mean they can’t be used as a granite tabletop or a granite desktop with a little tinkering.

The Chinese granite stone is crystalline and granular. It is named for its maple leaf-like pattern. Color is red, divided into light red, red, red, white shading is usually called maple red and whiteboard. In general, the redder the color, the higher the value.

physical property

1) Specific gravity: 2.73 g / cm3

2) Bending strength: 26.6 MPa

3) Compressive strength: 218.3 MPa

4) Water absorption: 0.17%

5) Acid resistance: 98.90%

6) Alkali resistance: 99.43%

7) Hardness: 7.2

Maple red granite is hard in texture, elegant in color, uniform in color, big in flower, more than 80% in luster, high in timber rate, and looks like maple leaf after polishing.

Product category:

Big slabs strip slabs, rough slabs, thin tiles, domestic dry hanging engineering board, trade export specification board, stair board, blind stone, special-shaped processing, etc

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