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Verde Butterfly Green Granite Slabs For Countertops and Floor Tiles

Verde Butterfly Green Granite is a kind of green stone quarried in Brazil. This stone is especially good for Countertops, mosaic, exterior – interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool, and wall capping, and other design projects.

Verde Butterfly granite Slab is a dark stone, making it ideal for contrasting with light walls and kitchen cupboards. Use Butterfly Verde Granite Slab to create a beautiful countertop and matching backsplash teamed with pale gray kitchen units. This is a modern look that is timeless in every way.

Verde Butterfly Granite Slab is an exquisite blend of greens, grays, and whites with darker black veins ideal for kitchen and bathroom applications. This dynamic granite is available in both slabs and tiles for c

oordination and is recommended for both commercial and residential applications projects.

The opportunity to install natural stone Veder Bufferfly Granite Tiles as a new countertop, backsplash, vanity top, bar top, kitchen island countertop or other surface is something that homeowners just cannot resist. Add in the durability that you will get from granite and it is no wonder that Butterfly Green granite tiles is one of the most popular natural stone materials used in remodeling projects.

सामग्री Verde Butterfly green granite Steps, cheap green granite floor tiles
रंग हरा
उत्पादों स्लैब, टाइलें, स्कर्टिंग, खिड़की की चौखट, सीढ़ियाँ और रिसर सीढ़ी, किचन काउंटरटॉप, वैनल्टी टॉप, वर्क टॉप, बोलर्स, कॉलम, कर्बस्टोन। फ़र्शिंग पत्थर, मोज़ेक और बॉर्डर, मूर्तियां, समाधि के पत्थर
आकार टाइल्स उपलब्ध हैं
12' एक्स 12" (305मिमीX305मिमी)
24&1टीपी4टी039; एक्स 24" (600मिमीX600मिमी)
12' एक्स 24" (300मिमीX600मिमी)
अन्य अनुकूलित के रूप में
स्लैब उपलब्ध हैं
180cmUpx60x1.5cm/2.0cm 180cmUpx65x1.5/2.0cm 180cmUpx70cmx1.5/2.0xm
240cmUpx60x1.5cm/2.0cm 240cmUpxx65x1.5/2.0cm 240cmUpx70cmx1.5/2.0cm
प्रयोग फर्श, पैटर्न, दीवार के मुखौटे, इनडोर सजावट, काउंटरटॉप के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है
सतह पॉलिश किया हुआ, तराशा हुआ
किनारा प्रसंस्करण मशीन से काटना, गोल किनारा आदि
पैकिंग समुद्र में चलने योग्य लकड़ी का टोकरा, फूस
भुगतान की शर्तें अग्रिम में टी/टी द्वारा 301टीपी2टी, शिपमेंट से पहले टी/टी द्वारा शेष


Darker colors are approximately 18 lbs. per sq. ft. and lighter colors are approximately 14 lbs. per sq. ft. Slab sizes can range from 102? x 65? to 130? x 80?. Some materials come in smaller and bigger slabs; each individual lot will differ in slab size.

When purchasing Marble or Granite Countertops, you should be aware that the natural stone countertop industry is split into two types of companies: those that import stone for sale to fabricators and those that actually fabricate and install the stone in your home.

Granite countertops are one of the smartest and most exciting choices a consumer can make provided a very important point is kept in perspective: purchasing natural stone Granite may be a commodity, however; excellent customer service, great workmanship, meticulous quality installation, and reliable timely project execution are not, these virtues are priceless. It’s fair to say that among the various types of natural stone, granite countertops are so popular in the home decoration today that granite has become a commodity. Just like everything that is in high demand, there are important elements for consumers to carefully consider. 

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