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अरेबेस्काटो सफेद संगमरमर


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Arabescato White Marble Polished Tiles

अरेबेस्काटो सफेद संगमरमर टाइलें

Elevate Home, Villa, Hotel, and other commercial building interiors with the timeless sophistication of our Premium Italian Arabescato White Marble Tiles. Sourced directly from the heart of Italy, this exquisite white and grey marble is renowned for its striking white background and captivating grey veining, embodying the elegance of Italian craftsmanship. Perfect for both contemporary and classic indoor deco designs, our Arabescato Marble Tiles offers unparalleled beauty and durability, making it an ideal choice for stair, column, flooring, wall cladding, and statement pieces.

  1. Marble Products: White Arabescato Marble Polished Floor and Wall Tiles
  2. Marble Material: Arabescato White Marble, Arabescato Marble
  3. Marble Tile Size: 600*600, 600*1200, 1200*1200
  4. Marble Thickness: 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, etc.
  5. Marble Surface: Polished, Honed
  6. MOQ: 300 वर्गमीटर
  7. White Marble Supplier: Esta Stone
  8. Natural Marble Application: Esta Stone provides natural white marble tiles for Multiple Applications for Construction and Decorative Purposes, commercial and residential building projects, hospitals, restaurants, bars, airports, malls, offices, exterior wall and interior flooring, and walls.
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arabescato corchia

Arabescato corchia marble
The renowned natural stone known as Arabescato Corchia White Marble originates from the Apuan Alps in Italy. For generations, architects, designers, and homeowners have favored this marble because to its gorgeous veining and opulent appearance. 
Color: marble slab, Arabescato corchia white marble

Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
मोटाई: 1.8 सेमी, 2 सेमी, 3 सेमी, आदि
सतह: पॉलिश किया हुआ, चमकीला, चमकीला, चमड़ायुक्त
MOQ: 300 वर्गमीटर
Arabescato corchia marble : ESTA STONE
Usages: Our Arabescato corchia marble is Suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade

Application: Esta Stone offers Arabescato corchia marble for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.

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Italian Arabescato Marble

Italian Arabescato marble is one of the marbles that originated in Italy. Usually, the Arabescato marble has a white or off-white background with gray or black veins that run throughout the stone. Variations in vein intensity, thickness, and distribution can produce distinctive and exquisite designs. Arabescato marble is a popular option for various applications because of the dramatic visual effect of the contrast between the dark veins and the white ground.

  • White Marble Products: Italian Arabescato White Marble Slabs and Tiles
  • Granite Color: Arabescato Marble; White Marble
  • White Marble Tiles Size: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
  • मोटाई: 1.8 सेमी, 2 सेमी, 3 सेमी, आदि
  • सतह: पॉलिश किया हुआ, चमकीला, चमड़ायुक्त
  • MOQ: 300 वर्गमीटर
  • White Marble Factory: ESTA STONE
  • Applications: Esta Stone provides 60+ Italian marble for luxury interior projects, from slabs, tiles, countertops, stairs, and columns in commercial buildings such as hotels, malls, office buildings, mansions, and other estate buildings.


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Arabescato Italian Marble Slabs

अरेबेस्काटो मार्बल काउंटरटॉप स्लैब

Esta Stone’s Italian Whtie Marble Collection with Arabescato Marble Countertop Slab features swirls of greys and gold throughout a white slab surface for a dramatic yet elegant look. Arabescato Marble is a highly brecciated polished Italian marble with ivory clasts floating on a grey-brown background. This marble is unique because it offers the best of both worlds: beauty and durability, and adds a touch of luxury and a modern minimalistic look to any place.

  1. इतालवी संगमरमर उत्पाद: बाथरूम काउंटरटॉप्स के लिए अरेबेस्काटो सफेद संगमरमर पॉलिश स्लैब
  2. प्राकृतिक संगमरमर: इटली अरेबेस्काटो संगमरमर, अरेबेस्काटो सफेद संगमरमर
  3. आकार: 120up x 240up, 260upx140up
  4. मोटाई: 16 मिमी, 18 मिमी, 20 मिमी, 30 मिमी
  5. सतह: पॉलिश किया हुआ
  6. MOQ: 300 वर्गमीटर
  7. चीन में सफेद संगमरमर का कारखाना: एस्टा स्टोन
  8. Application: Esta Stone’s 2cm Thick Arabescato marble slabs and tiles are perfect and popular with our commercial clients. It can be used as part of a statement reception area or boardroom in 5-star hotels, residences, malls, resorts, and spas, and can often be seen in religious buildings such as churches.
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अरेबेस्काटो सफेद संगमरमर

आइटम: टाइल्स और काउंटरटॉप्स के लिए इटली अरेबेस्काटो कॉर्चिया व्हाइट मार्बल स्लैब
सामग्री: अरेबेस्काटो संगमरमर
आकार: 244upx1200up,2000upx1000 मिमी
मोटाई: 16,18,20,30 मिमी
सतह: पॉलिश किया हुआ, चमकाया हुआ, ब्रश किया हुआ
MOQ: 100 वर्गमीटर
फ़ैक्टरी: एस्टा स्टोन
अनुप्रयोग: आवासीय और वाणिज्यिक परियोजनाओं में फर्श, दीवार, काउंटरटॉप्स के लिए सफेद संगमरमर

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