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Brittannica White Quartz


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कैलाकाट्टा ब्रिटानिका क्वार्ट्ज पत्थर

कैलाकाट्टा ब्रिटानिका क्वार्ट्ज

Brittanicca Calacatta White Quartz offers a white-marbled background that provides a stage on which gray islands and peninsulas meander among intertwining ashen veins dotted with veiled charcoal speckles. This unique and exclusive Grand and majestic Marble Effect Quartz Stone is welcome in residential kitchen spaces and other commercial vanity countertops.

  1. Engineered Quartz Products: Calacatta White Brittanicca Quartz Book Matched Slabs
  2. Quartz Item: Britanicca White Quartz, Calacatta Quartz
  3. Jumbo Quartz Slab: 126″ x 63″ (3200 x 1600mm), 118″ x 55″ (3000 x 1400mm), etc. Additional 10-30mm width and length is free.
  4. मोटाई: 20 मिमी, 30 मिमी
  5. Surface: Polished, Honed, 
    MOQ: 300 वर्गमीटर
  6. क्वार्ट्ज स्लैब और काउंटरटॉप फैक्ट्री: एस्टा स्टोन
  7. Application: Esta Stone provides 100+ Engineered Quartz Stones which are widely used for kitchen countertops, dressers, window sills, floor tiles, wall tiles, front counters, bars, furniture,
    backsplashes, etc.
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