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red travertine marble


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Red Travertine

Red Travertine

Red travertine stone , is the most natural stone as well as a stone that can breathe, it has a very strong affinity and compatibility. Its color is free, casual, retro, warm, and restrained, showing the most authentic texture of the stone, thus enhancing the high-end quality of the project .

The visual impact of red travertine,crates space highlights, can play a finishing touch. It can balance the coolness of black, white and gray spaces, and has a strong sense of design. It is very popular among designers recently.

Applicable: walls, reception desks, bar counters, home desktops, kitchen consoles, handicraft design and other products.

Natural Stone Tiles Factory: Esta Stone

अनुप्रयोग: एस्टा स्टोन होटल, कार्यालय भवन, मॉल, स्पा और रेस्तरां जैसे आंतरिक फर्श और दीवार परियोजनाओं के लिए 100+ प्राकृतिक संगमरमर पत्थर प्रदान करता है।

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