Chinese White Granite Bala Flower Stone Bathroom Vanity Tops For Home or Commerical Projects
The Prefab Bala White Granite Vanity Tops can have different sizes with edges options, double sinkholes, or single sink designs to meet different requirements. You may have seen several special designs like 3-5 sinks vanity tips in the hotel or mall's public washroom. This design, mainly because of the high flow of people in public places, can shorten the waiting time of users, improve the sense of the use of shopping malls, hotel facilities, satisfaction is very helpful. But if you wanna have a granite bathroom vanity top in your home or office, we recommend you have single or double sinks, that's enough for daily use.
These Prefab Bala White Granite Vanity Tops exported to the USA, CA market. the Bala White Granite is a popular color in this area for kitchen and bathroom countertops. As that not just with stable white color, but also with the competitive price too. Especially, if you have cheap white granite bathroom vanity slab projects for apartment or hotel, this is a very good choice.
Transform your bathroom with a beautiful white granite vanity top with an under-mount ceramic sink, in oval, square, regular, and rectangular basins that are ok.
White Granite Vanity top is extremely durable and will provide you with many years of enjoyment. Fabricated granite vanity top available in a variety of color variations. With so many options available, choosing a granite color can be overwhelming. ESTA STONE provides over 50 granite slab colors to help you decide which granite color is best for your home or your future projects.
Tétel | High-Quality China Bala White Flower Granite Bathroom Vanity Top |
Márkanév | Esta Stone |
Alkalmazás | Hotel, villa, apartman, irodaépület, kórház, iskola, bevásárlóközpont, sportlétesítmények, szabadidős létesítmények, szupermarket, raktár, Műhely, park, parasztház, udvar |
Népszerű gránit színek | Fűrészelt fehér, Gyöngykék, Bors fehér, Tongan Grain, Tan barna, Abszolút fekete, New Veneziano, Giallo Ornamental, Balti barna, Verde Ubatuba stb. |
Vastagság | 2 cm, 2,5 cm, (2+2)cm, 3 cm stb. |
Vanity Top méret | 25×19×3/4", 31×19×3/4", 37×19×3/4", 43×19×3/4", 49×19×3/4", 61×19×3/4", 25×22×3/4", 31×22×3/4", 37×22×3/4", 43×22×3/4", 49×22×3/4", 61×22×3/4", vagy egyedi méretben |
Konyha Top méret | Munkalap: 96 "x26 "x3/4", 108 "x 26" x3/4", stb.Félsziget: 36 "x78", 28 "x96", 28 "x108", stb. Sziget: 36 "x84", 36 "x96", 36 "x108" stb. Snack Bar: 12"x96", 16"x96", 108"x18" , etc. |
Élek kikészítése | Full Bullnose, Half bullnose, Ogee Edge, Dupont, Eased Edge, Beveled processed and polished or others. |
Csomag | Habosított műanyaggal kipárnázva és füstölt fadobozokba csomagolva, kívülről fémpántokkal megerősítve. |
Yes, it can fracture if excessive weight is applied. Granite can also chip, fracture, and break if subjected to sharp-tipped hard objects with high impact because of its crystalline structure. In terms of discoloration, unsealed granite can absorb stains such as oil, which causes dark spots. The heat from pots and pans or burning liquids will not affect the structure or color of granite under normal circumstances.