Professional Stone Cut-to-Size csempe és munkalapok Factory

görög fehér márvány Táblák



görög fehér márvány Táblák

A görög füles fehér márvány egy nagyon keresett természetes kő, amely tiszta fehér színéről és időtlen eleganciájáról ismert. A görögországi Thassos szigetén bányásszák, amely évszázadok óta a kiváló minőségű márvány híres forrása.

Earl White Marble has an elegant and refined appearance due to its pure white backdrop.For projects that call for a bright and radiant aesthetic, the marble's uniform color and mild translucency are very appealing.

Ezt a fajta márványt már régóta kedvelik és használják a legkülönbözőbb művészeti és építészeti kontextusokban. Alkalmazkodóképességének köszönhetően mind a hagyományos, mind a modern designban felhasználható, ami mind a kereskedelmi, mind a lakossági projektek népszerű opciójává teszi.

Tétel: Görög fehér márványtáblák a fal és a padló tervezéséhez
Anyag: Márvány: görög fehér márvány
Vastagság: 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, stb. 
Felület: Polírozott, csiszolt
MOQ: 200 SQM
Márka: Esta Stone
Alkalmazás: Projektek: Belső padló, fal, lépcső, oszlopok


Greek Earl White Marble Slabs

Greek Earl White Marble has an elegant white background,which is especially popular for projects that call for a bright, radiant aesthetic because of its uniform color and delicate translucency.

Throughout history, this kind of marble has been preferred and utilized for a variety of artistic and architectural purposes. It is a popular option for both residential and commercial buildings due to its adaptability, which enables it to be employed in both classic and contemporary designs.

Flooring: Greek Earl White Marble is a popular choice for flooring because it exudes an air of elegance and luxury. Because of the way that white reflects light, the room feels light and spacious.

Wall Cladding: Greek Earl White Marble can be used as wall cladding to elevate the overall appearance of the room and add a touch of refinement. It can be utilized in living rooms, restrooms, and other spaces where a simple, classic style is preferred.

Countertops: Greek Earl White Marble is a great option for both due to its flawless white tone. It gives bathrooms and kitchens a refined touch while producing a spotless, eye-catching surface.

Greek Earl White Marble is a great material for decorative elements like architectural moldings, column capitals, and statues. Its all-white hue gives any design a timeless, sophisticated touch.

Greek Earl White Marble has a rich history in the creation of statues and other artifacts. Since ancient times, it has been employed to produce renowned artwork that perfectly captures the elegance and beauty of traditional Greek aesthetics.

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Dimensions of Greek Earl White Marble Slabs For Floor and Wall Tiles

Greek Earl White Marble Slabs For Wall&Floor Tiles
Födém: 2800 x 1800mm, 2800 x 1600mm, 2600 x 1600mm, 2500 x 1500mm, 2400 x 1400mm, 2400 x 1200mm.
Cserép: 305 x 305mm, 305 x 610mm, 610 x 610mm, stb.
Méretre vágás: 300 x 300mm, 300 x 600mm, 600 x 600mm, stb.
Más méretek egyedi kérés szerint.
Polírozott, csiszolt, lángolt, WaterJet, bőrözött.
Csomag részletesen
1) Födém: műanyag belül + erős, tengerálló fa köteg kívülről
2) Csempe: belül hab + kívül erős, tengerálló, megerősített hevederekkel ellátott fából készült ládák.
3) Pult: belül hab + kívül erős, tengerálló fadobozok megerősített hevederekkel.
Minőségbiztosítás: A teljes gyártási folyamat során, az anyagválasztástól a gyártáson át a csomagolásig, minőségbiztosítási munkatársaink szigorúan ellenőrzik az egyes folyamatokat, hogy biztosítsák a minőségi szabványokat és a pontos szállítást.
Szállítási idő: 7 nap tartályonként.

Minimális rendelés: 300 NÉGYZETMÉTER
Árelem: FOB Xiamen, Kína. vagy az ügyfél kérésére szállíthatunk.
Fizetés: 30% Letét a gyártás előtt, 70% egyenleg a szállítás előtt.

Greek Earl White Marble Tiles

Project Applications of Greek Earl White Marble :
Greek Earl White Marble is a flexible material that can be used in a variety of project applications because of its flawless white hue and classic elegance. Greek White Marble is excellent in the following project applications that are common:

Greek Earl White Marble  is frequently utilized as a flooring material in residential buildings. Its pristine, airy appearance can lend living rooms, bedrooms, corridors, and other parts of the house an air of grandeur and elegance.

Kitchen Backsplashes and Countertops: Greek Earl White Marble backsplashes and countertops give kitchens a sense of refinement and elegance. Marble’s shiny, smooth surface improves the overall design and goes well with both traditional and modern kitchen designs.

Bathroom Surfaces: Greek Earl White Marble  is a well-liked option for floors, shower walls, and vanity tops in bathrooms.  and its clear, bright appearance fosters a calm, spa-like environment.

fehér fa márványlapok
fa megjelenés márvány csempe

Wall Cladding: Greek Earl White Marble can be utilized as wall cladding to improve the overall atmosphere of a space or to create a spectacular feature wall. The pure white tone of the marble provides a sense of sophistication and elegance to living rooms, dining rooms, and business environments.

Fireplace Surrounds: Greek Earl  White Marble looks exquisite when used to make fireplace surrounds, giving the space a posh and traditional feel. A visually arresting focal point can be produced by the marble’s inherent veining and texture variations.

Greek Earl  White Marble is also well-liked in business environments, including offices, hotels, restaurants, and retail businesses. The marble’s shining, refined look can contribute to the creation of a warm, upscale setting that makes an impact on guests.

Greek Earl  White Marble has a rich history in the creation of sculptures and art installations. It is a favored material for making sculptures, art installations, and statues that capture the elegance and beauty of classical aesthetics because of its flawless white hue and delicate texture.

fa szemcsés márvány csempe Fa fehér márvány padlócsempe

Greek Earl White Marble Tiles Factory


Természetes fa márvány padló és fali csempe Factory | esta Stone

In projects involving Greek Earl  White Marble, it’s critical to take appropriate installation and upkeep into account. To maintain the beauty and lifespan of marble, seek professional advice and follow suggested sealing and cleaning procedures.

Greek Earl White Marble is a popular option for a variety of project applications due to its timeless beauty and adaptability, which elevates any area to a higher level of refinement and luxury.

Proper care and upkeep are essential to preserving Greek Earl White Marble’s beauty and toughness. The following are some rules to abide by:

Frequent Cleaning: Greek Earl White Marble should be regularly cleaned with a pH-neutral stone cleanser and a soft, non-abrasive cloth or mop. Abrasive or acidic cleansers should not be used on marble as they may cause harm. Spills should be cleaned up right after to avoid discoloration.

Avoid Harsh Substances: Because they can etch or dull the surface, harsh chemicals, vinegar, or lemon juice, as well as abrasive cleansers, should not be used on Greek Earl White Marble. Additionally, keep in mind that scouring pads and harsh scrub brushes can harm the marble.

Protection: To shield the marble surface from heat, stains, and scratches, placemats, coasters, and trivets under glasses, plates, and hot pans. The marble may get damaged if heavy or sharp things are placed directly on it.

Cleaning Spills: To avoid ruining Greek Earl White Marble, clean up spills as soon as possible. Instead of rubbing, use a soft cloth or paper towel to blot the spill to stop the liquid from spreading. If a stain appears, seek advice on suitable stain removal methods from a qualified stone restoration specialist.

Steer clear of Heat and Moisture: Greek Earl White Marble is easily damaged by heat and moisture. To avoid an accumulation of too much moisture, use enough ventilation in places like toilets. Steer clear of placing hot things directly on the marble surface to avoid damage and thermal shock.

Fából készült márvány padlóburkolat szállítója | Esta Stone

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