Professional Stone Cut-to-Size csempe és munkalapok Factory

Csiszolt márványlapok



Csiszolt márványlapok
The Emperador light Marble is a fashionable testament to nature's artistry, shooting the splendor of interwoven cream, brown, and beige veins. Sourced mainly from Turkey, this light brown marble stone represents a bridge between nature's raw beauty and human ingenuity because it finds use across diverse interior and exterior projects.
  • Márvány termékek: Csempék és hiúság felületek csiszolt felületű Emperador Light török márványlapok: Csiszolt felületű Emperador Light török márványlapok csempékhez és hiúság felületekhez
  • Márványkő: Világos Emperador márvány, Világos barna márvány
  • Márvány Jumbo tábla méretek: 240up x 120up cm, 240up x 130up cm, 250up x 120up cm
  • Vastagság: 16,18,20,30mm
  • Felület: Polírozott, csiszolt
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Márványgyár: Esta Stone
  • Felhasználások: Esta Stone kínál 60+ természetes csiszolt márványtáblák leltárban bármilyen belsőépítészeti projektek kereskedelmi és lakóépületek padló, falak, lépcsők, oszlopok, és munkalapok.


Polished Emperador Light Beige Marble Slabs For Floor and Stair Steps 

Emperador Light Marble is a natural stone derived from the majestic regions of Afyon and Burdur in Turkey. It is a symbol of luxury, elegance, and natural splendor. This Polished Marble Slab’ intrinsic design mimics the light espresso-colored clouds streaked with white irregularities, reflecting the artistry and appeal inherent in this natural soft brown marble stone.
When polished, those Emperador light marble slabs for cutting floor and wall tiles shine with unrivaled luminosity, highlighting the marble’s enthralling veining patterns and warm sunglasses. This Turkish gem’s siMarblee light brown colors, interwoven with fascinating white streaks, provide an eloquent testimony to nature’s artistry. It’s impossible not to be enchanted with its heat and sun shades, paying homage to a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

The Emperador light Turkish marble slabs are available in diverse specifications, sizes, and applications. While you gaze upon a Light Emperador Marble Slab, you are greeted by a harmonious combination of light yellow veins gracefully streaming across a gentle yellow historical past. The Turkish Brown Marble stone’s unique personality arises from those intricate capillaries that weave a tale of nature’s beauty.

The light emperador marble exudes Marbleof’s calmness and class. It radiates a charisma that is considered one of sipping on a wealthy espresso cup, experiencing its robust flavor and silky smoothness. This marble is an idea for marble folks who recognize their indoor layout’s natural beauty and elegance.

Emperador Light Marble Tile is suitable for various interior decoration projects, such as commercial and residential buildings, including flooring, wall cladding, countertops, and arrogance tops. The marble’s warm and veining styles complement one-of-a-kind layout patterns, from traditional to modern. Its durability and resistance to wear and tear make it perfect for excessive-site visitor regions, which include hallways, living rooms, and kitchens.
Emperador Light Brown marble is a natural stone that embodies luxuriousness, elegance, and herbal splendor. Its warm sun shades and enthralling veining patterns make it best for interior layout packages. Whether or not you are trying to renovate your property or office area, the Emperador light marble will add class touches and appeal to any surroundings.

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Standard Sizes of Emperador Marble


duct Name Cheap Price Polished Light Emperador Marble 2cm 3cm Thickness Big Slabs
Anyagok Márvány, gránit, pala, kvarcit, homokkő, bazalt, travertin, mészkő, ónix stb.
Színek Fehér, fekete, szürke, barna, piros, sárga, zöld, kék stb.
Népszerű Big Slab méret 240up x 120up cm, 240up x 130up cm, 250up x 120up cm, 250up x 130up cm, 260up x 140up cm, 260up x 150up cm, Or other size according to the customer request
Népszerű kis (fél) födém méret 240up x 60cm/70cm/80cm, 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm, 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm, 250up x 60cm/70cm/80cm, other sizes according to customer request
Népszerű csempe méret 305x305mm, 300x600mm, 305x610mm, 400x400mm, 457x457mm, 400x800mm, 600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm, 600x600mm, 900x900mm, 1200x500mm, 1200x600mm, etc
Szokásos vastagság 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, stb.
Kész Polírozott, csiszolt, savval mosott, barázdált vonalak stb...
More Products Slabs, Cut-To-Size, Wall and Floor Tiles, Countertops, Mosaic, Stone Sinks, Bath Tubs, Shower Pans, Wall Cladding, Ledge Stone, Loose Stone, Mushroom Stone, Paving Stone, Swimming Pool Coping and Pavers, Stepper Stones, Bench, Pebble Stone, Water Fountain, Sculpture and other Garden Stones, etc.
Csomag Erősen füstölt fából készült ládák, fából készült raklapok, fából készült kötegek stb.
Minták Kérésre INGYENES mintákat biztosítunk.


High Polished Turkish Beige Marble Slabs


Specifications and Application:

The Emperador Light Marble is tailored to cater to diverse requirements. Here’s a glimpse into its available sizes:

  • Emperador könnyű márványlapok: Regularly available in dimensions ranging from 240cm x 120cm to 300cm x 180cm. The slabs typically have a thickness between 1.5cm and 3cm, ensuring they fit many applications.
  • Emperador könnyű márvány csempe: Ideal for those desiring a modular, coordinated look. Standard sizes include 30x30cm, 60x30cm, and 60x60cm. Custom sizes can be fashioned upon request.
  • Light Emperador Marble Polished Slabs are meticulously processed to bestow a glossy finish, magnifying the stone’s inherent beauty. Size variants align with the conventional slabs.
  • These Light Emperador marble tiles have gained renown due to their versatile application range. Not only are they a popular choice for flooring, but they also grace walls as cladding, bringing an aesthetic warmth to living spaces. Thanks to its stain-resistant properties, the stone is a perfect option for countertops for those seeking a modern touch, especially in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Residential Settings: From living rooms to master bathrooms, the Emperador light marble floor tiles can infuse warmth and luxury. Whether as flooring or as a stunning backsplash, its allure remains unmatched.
  • Kereskedelmi terek: Be it the lobby of a five-star hotel or a corporate office’s conference room, the elegance of emperador light Turkish marble slabs can transform spaces. Its resilience, combined with aesthetic appeal, makes it a top choice.
  • Specific Features: Wall panels, countertops, vanities, and even outdoor paving can be crafted from this beautiful stone. Esta Stone’s Emperador Light marble tiles or countertops can redefine luxury in hotels, villas, offices, and more.
Light Emperador Marble Slabs

Emperador Light Marble Polished SlabsLight Emperador Polished Marble SlabsEmperador Light Brown Marble Slabs





Types of Kitchen Floor – Marble Tiles:

Marble is an elegant flooring material. It is a beautiful natural stone that gives the kitchen a magnificent and graceful look. It creates ultra-luxurious kitchens. It is available in a wide variety of colors, and its polish enhances the appearance of the marble and makes it more dramatic and bright with shine. For use in the kitchen, marble has some and becomes slippery when wet due to its polish. It is also prone to stains and scratches. It is a costly natural stone, and its installation cost varies according to different designs, which may also become very expensive.

Even as the Emperador light marble is a testament to sturdiness, retaining its appeal requires particular care. Sealing the stone periodically is vital to prevent staining, given its porous nature. Moreover, cleansing spills with a pH-impartial solution guarantees the marble’s conclusion: the emperador light Marble, with iMarblekish origins, is more than just a stone. It is an assertion of luxury, bringing an air of mystery, beauty, and calm. Perfect for numerous programs, this marble range promises durability while ensuring that areas radiate sophistication. Whether redesigning your home or creating a new industrial space, this marble can enhance aesthetics and elegance.

Emperador Light Marble Slabs and Tiles Supplier | Esta Stone


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