Professional Stone Cut-to-Size csempe és munkalapok Factory

Villano Botticino márvány csempe




Villano Botticino Marble Tile For Floor And Wall Projects

Avillano Botticno beige marble is known for its creamy texture and luxurious style. When homeowners see Avillano marble, it can remind them of marble used in ancient times due to the warm tones associated with this marble. When it comes to caring for Avillano marble, many homeowners might start to get a little nervous. Properly caring for marble isn’t always easy. Create a timeless statement with this gorgeous Botticino Marble Tile. It is easy to clean and makes it an addition to any spaces of Home and Hotel Projects.

A termék neve: Italian  Botticino beige marble tile
Anyag: Márvány
Szín: Fehér, bézs, fekete, barna, szürke, piros, zöld, kék stb.



Elérhető csempe
12' X 12",24' X 24",12' X 24",stb. 300x300mm,300x600mm,400x400mm,600x600mm,600×1200,800×800,stb.

Nagy tábla elérhető                                                                                                     


Egyedi specifikációk állnak rendelkezésre
Vastagságtűrés: ± 0,05 mm, ± 1 mm, ± 1,5 mm, ± 2 mm, az ügyfél szerint & #039; s minőségi követelmény


Polírozott, csiszolt, bookmatched, antik, barázdált, csiszolt, pácolás, homokfúvott, vízsugaras, stb.
Csomagolás: Tengerálló fából készült kötegek és faládák
Alkalmazás: Belső fal, padló, lábazat, háttérfal, pult, lépcső, stb.
Szállítási idő: 15-20 nap normál méret esetén



Fizetési feltételek:

T/T, L/C, D/P

1) Egyablakos szolgáltatás a kő számára;

2) 3 kőbánya és 9 gyár tulajdonosa;

3) A legmodernebb technológia támogatja.

Botticino marble tiles have an oyster base color with beautiful light cream and white veining, detailed with a tiny amount of thin gray veins and diffused gray color that lends elegant texture and depth. Botticino marble is perfect for traditional and classic interior design in flooring, walls, bathrooms, and back-splashes. These tiles come in several sizes; sold by the square foot.

Botticino marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed of carbonate minerals such as calcite or dolomite. It is famous for its high luster and visual appeal to the area with the best sizes, appearance, quality, and colors. This stone is very durable and the best in terms of cost factors.

Because of its unique color, beauty, and bold modern look, we are using it for interior designing of bathrooms, kitchens, living areas, TV lounges, and even outdoors. The stone is available in the market in the form of square-shaped tiles of standard sizes but tiles of custom sizes can also be obtained in case of need.

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