Professional Stone Cut-to-Size csempe és munkalapok Factory

Fehér Sparkle gránit padlólapok



Fehér Sparkle gránit padlólapok

Anyag: Fehér szikrázó gránit
Méretek: 12″x12 "x3/10″, 12″x12″x3/8″, 12″x12″x1/2″, 18″x18″x1/2″, 24 "x 24″x 3/4″.
Felület: Polírozott, csiszolt, lángolt
MOQ: 100 SQM


White Sparkle Granite Floor Tiles For Building Construction

Chinese White Sparkle Granite Floor Tiles or Spray White Stone Tile features cool white tones and grays highlighted by just a touch of sparkle. These elegant grey-white granite slabs are durable enough to be used for exterior projects including outdoor kitchens, as well as a variety of interior projects in homes and commercial properties including granite countertops, accent walls, floors, and backsplashes.

White Sparkle Granite Floor and Wall Tile is a salt-and-pepper colored natural stone tile with many different applications. You can use the tile on a floor, wall, or countertop, and it's suitable for residential and commercial installations, including bathrooms and kitchens.

White Sparkle Granite Floor Tiles, as a gray and white durable granite ideal for both interior and exterior applications. Recommended uses include outdoor usage in areas with freezing temperatures, flooring, countertops, landscaping, and walls.

Modell Spray White or White Sparkle Granite 
Színes Grey, White
méret 1. Tiles 12″x12”x3/10″, 12″x12″x3/8″,12″x12″x1/2″, 18″x18″x1/2″, 24”x 24″x 3/4″, 30x30x1/2/3cm,30x60x1/2/3cm,60x60x1/2/3cm,120 x 60 x 1.5/2/3cm.
2. Kis táblák : 60-90×180-300×2/3cm
3. Nagy táblák : 120upx240upx2x2/3xcm
4. Lépcsők: lépcső: 110-150x33x2/3cm / emelkedő: 110-150x15x2/3cm
5. Countertops : 24"x96", 26"x96", 28"x96", 28"x108", etc.
6. Mushroom Tiles : 15 x 30/20 x 40 / 30 x 50 x 1.5-2.5cm. 7. Quality Assurance: By our professional inspectors who have been worked 
in this field for more than 15 years
8. Physical properties: A) Water absorption(%):0.16
B) Sűrűség (g / négyzetcentiméter): 2,7
C) Flexural Strength(Mpa):26.6
D) Compressive Strength(Mpa):210
MOQ Az ügyfél igényeitől függ
Ellátási képesség 50000 m2/hó
fizetési feltételek T/T, 30% letét, 70% egyenleg B/L ellenében MÁSOLAT
Szállítási határidő Az Ön által vásárolt mennyiségnek megfelelően. 

White Sparkle Granite Tiles

Gránit munkalapok feldolgozási lépések

What are the advantages of natural stone over man-made stones?

Do you know a plastic surface that looks fascinating after a couple of years? Natural stone is natural and creates a unique atmosphere everywhere it is used. They will not let go of their beauty even after thousands of years. Man-made stones are esthetically repetitive and have artificial look. They can wear easily over time and will quickly lose their appeal. In addition, natural stones might not need constant maintenance: Take a look at the Lincoln Memorial, or The Pyramids they still look good after all these years, don’t they?

What are the standard sizes for a tile floor? What is the standard thickness of a tile?

Commonly used tiles are 4×4 to 24×24. The tile size is also a design preference however, the larger the area you want to cover you might consider using larger dimensions. Most of the interior stone tiles are 12X12 or 18X18, standard thickness is 3/8” on 12X12 and ½” on 18X18.

We do not recommend tiles thicker than ½ “ unless you have a concrete floor and have a cement mud installation. 

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