Absolute Black Mongolian Granite Tiles For Exterior Architecture
In the natural stone export business, Mongolian black stone is often simply called Granite. It's good for granite black prefabricated countertops, vanity tops, kitchen island, and granite tabletop, or floor wall penal tiles. etc used for construction.
Absolute Black Granite Floor Tiles have become a very popular decorating feature in many homes. Granite is a very hard stone, much harder than slate or limestone. However, it can still be scratched and damaged if not maintained properly. Black granite in particular can be difficult to care for.
Absolute Black Granite Floor Tiless are attractive, durable, and come in many colors and styles. They are resistant to stains and moisture, making granite tiles very versatile. Builders and decorators have relied on the beauty, strength, and quality of fine granite for centuries. The distinctive veining and rich colors of granite make it a superb choice to make your rooms look their finest.
Nama Produk: | Black Basalt Paving Stone Black Mongolia Granite Slabs and Tiles |
Ukuran: |
Lembaran tersedia |
Ubin tersedia 305 x 305mm atau 12 "x 12" 400 x 400mm atau 16 "x 16" 457 x 457mm atau 18 "x 18" 600 x 600mm atau 24 "x 24", dll |
Ketebalan | Ketebalan 18mm yang diekspor normal, tersedia 10-50mm. |
Selesai. | Dipoles, diasah, disikat, dibakar, dll. |
Penggunaan: | Untuk dekorasi dan konstruksi internal dan eksternal. panel dinding, ubin lantai, tangga, paving, pelapis dinding, meja, meja rias tersedia. |
Pengepakan | 1) Ubin & dipotong sesuai ukuran dalam peti kayu difumigasi. di dalamnya akan mencakup oleh plastik berbusa (polistiren). 2) Lempengan dalam bundel kayu yang difumigasi dengan tanda kurung L. |
Ketentuan pembayaran | 30% oleh T / T di muka, saldo oleh T / T sebelum pengiriman |
Jaminan Kualitas | Selama seluruh proses produksi, mulai dari pemilihan bahan, fabrikasi hingga pengemasan, tim penjamin kualitas kami akan secara ketat mengontrol setiap proses untuk memastikan standar kualitas dan pengiriman tepat waktu. |
Produk | Slabs, Tiles, Skirtings, Window sills, Steps & Riser stairs, Kitchen countertop, Vanity tops, Worktops, Columns, Baluster&railing, Curbstone. Paving stone, Kerbstone, Mosaic & Borders, Sculptures, fountain, bathtub&basin, etc |
A granite countertop sealer is different from sealants for wooden surfaces. Unlike wood sealants like varnish, a granite countertop sealer doesn’t coat the stone. Instead, granite sealing products actually penetrate the stone and fills in the pores of the stone, shielding the surface from the inside. Moreover, the addition of a sealant doesn’t make the stone glossier. Granite countertops do a good job of shining by themselves.
Let’s get this out of the way: using a sealer for granite countertops doesn’t give the stone the ability to resist scratches or scuffs – even when you use the best granite sealer. Granite is one of the hardest stones on the planet and is naturally resistant to light physical damage. When the sealer impregnates the stone, it occupies the holes in the pores, making the surface resistant to any liquids and stains.