Pabrik Ubin dan Meja Batu Potong dan Batu Profesional

Meja Granit Galaxy Hitam


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Indian Black Galaxy Granite Countertops For Kitchen and Washroom 

Black Galaxy Granite is a beautiful granite color with a consistent pattern of black and copper colors. The colors on this countertop material will be flecks and blotches. The number and size of the golden and silver flecks are different in different blocks. The quality of this granite depends on the size, number, and distribution of the golden flecks in the slab or tile. Black Galaxy granite is a dark stone with a bright glimmer and is absolutely stunning.

Black Galaxy granite is a relatively new addition to the family of building materials. It has since become an incredibly popular material all around the world because of its durability and striking visual beauty. The deep black of the stone highlighted with naturally occurring gold-colored flecks work well with a number of design motifs and can be a strong visual statement in any room. This star-studded material is provided by Cosentino under their Scalea brand name of natural stone materials.

Bahan: Black Granite Kitchen and Bathroom Countertops
Aplikasi: Pelapis Dinding Eksterior, Dinding Interior, Lantai Interior, Dinding Kamar Mandi, Dinding Sekeliling Bak Mandi, Atasan Meja Dapur & Atasan Meja Rias, Ubin Lantai, Lempengan, Lanskap, dll...
Ukuran Panel Pelapis Dinding: 1200x600mm, 600x600m, 1200x300mm Ketebalan: 18mm, 20mm, 25mm Spesifikasi khusus tersedia
Panel Dinding Interior: 1220x2440mm, 1520x2440mm, 1600x3000mm Ketebalan: 8mm, 15mm, 25mm Spesifikasi khusus tersedia
Bagian Atas Dapur: 96"/108"/120" x 26"/36"/42" Atasan Meja Rias Kamar Mandi: 27"/36"/48"/60"/72" x 22"/24" Tebal: 3/4 ", 1 1/4" Spesifikasi khusus tersedia
Ubin Lantai: 12 "x12", 12 "x24", 24 "x24" Ketebalan: 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm Spesifikasi khusus tersedia
Lempengan: Panjang: 2400mmup ~ 3000mmup Lebar: 1200mm ~ 2000mm Tebal: 18mm, 20mm, 30mm ...
Wastafel Batu: 400 ~ 600 × 300 ~ 400mm Tebal: 120-150mm Spesifikasi khusus tersedia
Permukaan: Dipoles, Diasah, Dibakar, Diledakkan, Diledakkan Pasir, Waterjet, Disikat, Antik...
Pengepakan: Mengekspor Paket Kayu

Black galaxy granite is in the gabbro family of stone material and is sourced in the Ongole area of South India. The granite material is rated a 4.5 on Moh’s scale of hardness, which is considered relatively hard. There are harder building materials, such as quartz, but granite is durable enough to withstand most common use.

The material can have a dark black background, a greenish/black shading, or have some white in the background. Some lower-quality material may have lines running throughout. The beautiful and distinguishing factor of black galaxy granite is the metallic flecks, caused by the presence of bronchitis, and can come in a few varying grades:

Large grained

Medium grained

Small grained

These grades are based on the size of the flecks. Large grain is typically more highly desired but is rare and more expensive.

Galaxy granite is most commonly used in flooring, staircases, and countertops. The durability and beauty of the material are traits that usually put it in an area that is highly trafficked and will be seen by many. A highly polished finish accentuates the contrast and depth of colors and is most common, but flamed, honed, river-washed, and brushed finishes can also be applied to great effect.

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