Pabrik Ubin dan Meja Batu Potong dan Batu Profesional

Lempengan Granit Putih Delicatus


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Lempengan Granit Putih Delicatus
Item: Lempengan Granit Delicatus Putih Brasil Untuk Meja dan Ubin Pelapis Dinding
Bahan Granit Delicatus Putih
Ketebalan: 20,30mm
Permukaan: Dipoles, Diasah, Antik
MOQ: 100 SQM
Merek: Esta Stone
Aplikasi: Panel Dinding Interior, Meja Dapur dan Kamar Mandi


Brazil White Delicatus Granite For Wall Panel and Countertops in Commercial Projects 

Delicatus White Granite is Brazil White Color Stone, which features a soft white background with beautiful contrasting rich, dark veins. Durable, easy to clean, and low maintenance, use Delicatus White Granite Slab to create gorgeous granite countertops, floors, backsplashes, accent walls, and other features throughout homes and commercial properties. This White Delicatus Granite is suitable for both interior and exterior use to allow for continuity of style and design from the indoor kitchen to the outdoor kitchen, and beyond.

Delicatus White is quarried from a bedrock quarry in Brazil. The Delicatus White Granite Slab has a clean, white background with black biotite crystals, giving this stone a contemporary look. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the stone to fill in any natural pits, cracks, or fissures that may exist. This does not affect the durability, maintenance, or beauty of the stone. 

Delicatus Granite Slab is a stunning stone that is famous for its stunning white bedrock and dark patterns. 

Nama Produk Granit Putih Delicatus
Ukuran Umum Lempengan Ukuran 1800 (atas) x 600 (atas) mm
2400 (ke atas) x 1200 (ke atas) mm
2800 (ke atas) x 1500 (ke atas) mm dll
Ketebalan 15mm, 18mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, dll
Ubin Ukuran 305 x 305mm atau 12 "x 12"
400 x 400mm atau 16 "x 16"
457 x 457mm atau 18 "x 18"
600 x 600mm atau 24 "x 24" dll
Ketebalan 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 18mm, 30mm, dll
Meja Ukuran 96" x 26", 76" x 36", 98" x 26", 108" x 26"
Ketebalan 3/4", 3/8", 1/2"
Vanity Tops Ukuran 25 "x22", 31 "x22", 37 "x22", 49 "x22", 60 "x22"
Ukuran 3/4", 3/8", 1/2"

Delicatus natural granite features a white background with subtle gray flecks and more dramatic black veins. This exquisite natural granite from Brazil features a polished finish and is available in slabs. Use this beautiful Brazil Delicatus Granite Slab to create stunning granite countertops, backsplashes, floors, and other design elements — both indoors, and out.


More Details of Dlicatus Granite 

Like many other granites, Delicatus white has an abundance of white quartz crystals. These can range in size from almost invisible, to about 10cm in diameter. However, the smaller crystals are the most common.

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