Fabbrica professionale di piastrelle e controsoffitti in pietra tagliata su misura

Pietra arenaria grigio scuro



Pietra arenaria grigio scuro

Natural stones like dark grey sandstone are highly valued for their distinctive texture and alluring shade of gray. It is a multipurpose material that is frequently utilized in a range of landscaping and architectural applications.
The hue of Dark Grey Sandstone is a deep, rich gray with a range of tones and minor variances. It has a surface that is textured and has fine to coarse grain sizes. It looks unusual and visually appealing because of the way the color and texture are combined.

Dark Grey Sandstone is frequently used in landscape and architectural design projects. It is frequently used for pavement, steps, countertops, fireplaces, wall cladding, flooring, and other internal and external design features. Because of its adaptability, it may easily fit into both traditional and contemporary design aesthetics.

Stone Products: Dark Grey Sandstone 

Marble Colors: Dark Grey Sandstone

Fabbrica di piastrelle di marmo naturale: Pietra Esta

Applicazione: Esta Stone offre oltre 100 pietre di marmo naturale per progetti di pavimenti e pareti interne, come hotel, edifici per uffici, centri commerciali, spa e ristoranti.


Pietra arenaria grigio scuro 

Natural stone recognized for its distinctive texture and alluring dark gray hue is called dark grey sandstone. Because of its strength, adaptability, and aesthetic appeal, it is a well-liked option for both interior and outdoor applications.
Color and Texture:

The deep, rich gray color of Dark Grey Sandstone exhibits minute variances and tonal shifts. Its texture, which varies from finely grained to rather coarse, gives it a unique tactile feel and eye-catching appearance.
Natural Beauty:

The color, veining, and texture of each piece of Dark Grey Sandstone varies naturally, making each one special. Any area or landscape is enhanced by this natural beauty’s character and charm, which creates a warm and visually pleasing atmosphere.


Dark Grey Sandstone is renowned for its durability and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for both interior and exterior applications. It is resistant to fading, chipping, and abrasion, ensuring long-lasting beauty and performance.

Versatile Applications:

Dark Grey Sandstone can be used in a wide range of applications, including flooring, wall cladding, paving, pool surrounds, garden features, and architectural elements. Its versatility makes it suitable for various design styles, from contemporary to rustic.

The Manufacturing Process Of Dark Grey Sandstone

The manufacturing process of Dark Grey Sandstone involves several steps from quarrying to the finished product.


The first step in the procedure is taking out the Dark Grey Sandstone from the quarry. Quarrying is the process of removing big sandstone slabs or blocks from the crust of the earth utilizing powerful equipment and gear.

Cutting and Shaping:

Following their extraction, the sandstone blocks are brought to a facility for cutting and shaping. Here, the blocks are chopped into smaller, more manageable sizes and shapes using specialized tools such circular saws, gang saws, or diamond wire saws. The intended use of the sandstone determines the precise measurements and thicknesses.

Finitura della superficie:

To obtain the appropriate texture and appearance, the surfaces of the Dark Grey Sandstone pieces may go through a number of finishing procedures following the initial cutting. Sandblasting, bush-hammering, polishing, and honing are common finishing processes. These procedures produce various surface textures and highlight the sandstone’s inherent beauty.

Edge Profiling:

If necessary, specialist tools can be used to shape and profile the edges of the Dark Grey Sandstone. Among the common edge profiles are ogee, bullnose, beveled, and straight. The desired use and design choices influence the edge profile selection.

YouTube video

Dimensions of Dark Grey Sandstones

Natural Dark Grey Sandstone
8*36mm,7*36mm, 8*36mm,9*36mm,
Dettaglio pacchetto
1) Lastra: interno in plastica + esterno in legno resistente al mare
2) Tegola: schiuma all'interno + casse di legno resistenti al mare con cinghie rinforzate all'esterno
3) Piano di lavoro: schiuma all'interno + casse di legno resistenti al mare con cinghie rinforzate all'esterno
Garanzia di qualità: Durante l'intero processo di produzione, dalla scelta del materiale, alla fabbricazione, all'imballaggio, i nostri addetti al controllo qualità controllano rigorosamente ogni singolo processo per garantire standard di qualità e consegne puntuali.
Tempi di consegna: 7 giorni per contenitore.

Ordine minimo: 300 MQ
Prezzo Articolo: FOB Xiamen, Cina. oppure possiamo spedire secondo le richieste del cliente.
Pagamento: 30% Deposito prima della produzione, 70% Saldo prima della spedizione.

Application of Dark Grey Sandstone

Dark Grey Sandstone is a versatile natural stone that finds application in various architectural and landscaping projects. 


Both indoor and outdoor areas frequently employ dark grey sandstone as their flooring. It gives foyers, corridors, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor patios a hint of refinement and organic beauty.

Rivestimento delle pareti:  

Because of its distinctive color and texture, Dark Grey Sandstone is a great option for wall cladding. It may give depth and visual interest to both interior and outdoor environments when used as accent pieces or to cover entire walls.

Building Facades:

Cladding for building facades is frequently made of dark grey sandstone. Its distinct color and texture can give a building’s exterior a refined and attractive appearance.


Dark grey sandstone is a solid, long-lasting stone that can be used to pave outdoor spaces including courtyards, driveways, and pathways. It is weatherproof and resilient to high foot activity.


Dark grey sandstone can be utilized for beautiful boulders, retaining walls, and garden borders, among other landscaping tasks. Its organic hue and texture go nicely with outdoor settings.

Contorni del caminetto:

A dramatic fireplace surround made of dark grey sandstone can provide living areas a sense of coziness and refinement. It is appropriate for this application because of its heat resistance.


Dark Grey Sandstones Factory


Pavimenti e rivestimenti in marmo naturale di legno Fabbrica | esta Pietra

Maintance Of  Dark Grey Sandstones 

Proper maintenance of Dark Grey Sandstone is essential to preserve its appearance and durability over time.

Pulizia frequente:

To get rid of any loose dirt or debris, sweep or clean the sandstone’s surface. To clean the surface, use a mop or soft-bristle brush with a solution of water and mild detergent. Steer clear of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleansers as they may harm the stone.

Removal of Stains:

Per evitare le macchie, eliminare subito le fuoriuscite. Se compare una macchia, tamponatela subito con un panno fresco e un po' di sapone per piatti. Sulle macchie più resistenti si può applicare un cataplasma contenente una soluzione di bicarbonato di sodio e acqua. Dopo aver applicato il cataplasma sulla macchia, avvolgetela con della pellicola di plastica e lasciatela lì per tutta la notte. Successivamente, risciacquare rapidamente la zona con acqua e pulirla come di consueto.


Per migliorarne la durata e la resistenza alle macchie, la pietra arenaria grigio scuro deve essere sigillata. Per l'applicazione di un sigillante penetrante adatto alla pietra arenaria è necessario seguire le indicazioni del produttore. La frequenza di risigillatura è influenzata da fattori quali l'esposizione all'umidità e l'uso. In genere si consiglia di risigillare la pietra arenaria ogni uno-tre anni.

Non utilizzate prodotti chimici aggressivi:

Poiché possono danneggiare la superficie della pietra arenaria, è bene evitare l'aceto, la candeggina e altri detergenti acidi o abrasivi. Inoltre, non utilizzate pagliette e spazzole metalliche perché potrebbero danneggiare la pietra. Utilizzate piuttosto detergenti delicati e a pH neutro, realizzati appositamente per la pietra naturale.

Misure preventive:

Per evitare che la sporcizia danneggi la superficie della pietra arenaria, collocate tappeti o zerbini agli ingressi. Sotto bicchieri, bottiglie e altri oggetti che possono graffiarsi o macchiarsi, collocare sottobicchieri o tappetini. Non trascinare mobili ingombranti sulla pietra arenaria.

Pavimenti in legno di marmo Fornitore | Esta Stone

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