Fabbrica professionale di piastrelle e controsoffitti in pietra tagliata su misura

Piani cucina in granito blu labradorite



Piani cucina in granito blu labradorite
Materiale: Granito blu di labradorite
Dimensioni del piano di lavoro: 96 "x26", 108 "x26", 96 "x36", 108 "x36", 98 "x37".
Dimensioni dei piani per lavabo: 25 "x22", 31 "x22", 37 "x/22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22".
Spessore: 20,30 mm
Superficie: Lucido


Luxury Labradorite Blue Granite Kitchen Countertops

Labradorite and Lemurian Granite Labradorite is often found in anorthosite, an igneous rock composed mostly of feldspar. Anorthosite is sometimes classified commercially as “black granite”. Is schist good for countertops? Schist and granite are both stunning natural stones that are perfect for countertops, walls, floors, backsplashes, and other OEM customized products for any space, and commercial projects.

Labradorite Countertops. This is Lemurian Blue Labradorite, a stunning stone found in Madagascar. We accentuated the iridescent color by running it up the wall for a full backsplash. A beveled edge creates a clean, polished look and the subtle radius on the island is a simple, but elegant design detail. 

Tipo di pietra Granito, marmo, onice, travertino, calcare, quarzite, ecc.
Colori disponibili Bianco, nero, beige, giallo/ruggine, rosso/rosa, verde, grigio, marrone, viola, blu, ecc.
Forma della pietra Piani d'appoggio, piani d'appoggio e piani di tavoli
Dimensione Dimensioni del piano di lavoro: 96 "x26", 108 "x26", 96 "x36", 108 "x36", 98 "x37". 
Dimensioni dei piani per lavabo: 25 "x22", 31 "x22", 37 "x/22", 49 "x22", 61 "x22".
o personalizzato
Spessore 18 mm, 20 mm, 30 mm o personalizzato
Finitura superficiale Lucido, levigato, spazzolato, ecc.
Profili dei bordi Bordi piatti, Bullnose, Bevel Top, Radius Top, Dupont, Ogee e laminati o personalizzati.
Applicazione Hotel, cucina, bagno, soggiorno, ufficio, ecc.
Standard di qualità Grado di lucidatura: 90 gradi in su
Thickness Tolerance:+/-1mm
Quantity per 20' Container Weigh Limited 21 tons:  About 370m2 for 20mm, 240m2 for 30mm
Weight Limited 27 tons:  About 470m2 for 20mm, 310m2 for 30mm

What are the benefits of wearing labradorite?

Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness, and grounds spiritual energies. Labradorite is excellent for strengthening intuition – promoting psychic abilities.

Can I wear labradorite every day?

You can wear them as everyday jewelry to get the most benefit from their energy. Wearing Labradorite stones as earrings will help develop your psychic gift of clairaudience. Worn as a necklace, they will help to open your throat or third eye chakra.

What does labradorite do spiritually?

Labradorite is considered a tremendously spiritual stone, especially helpful for people who tend to overwork. It helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well.

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