Chinese Grey Granite G603 Skirting Tiles For Wall and Pool
A granite skirting Tiles is the ideal choice, to set pleasant accents for the eye. Natural Stone skirting in grey, red, beige, or black. The skirting tile should be considered as a neat way of making a junction between wall tiles and floor tiles. Considering wall skirting for different types of tiled flooring, in different styles and how best to use it in the various rooms of the home.
製品名 | Exterior Wall Skirting Tile G603 Exterior Wall Cladding Tiles |
素材: | G603 Granite |
表面仕上げ: | ポリッシュ |
色: | グレー |
標準サイズ: | 30x30cm、60x30cm、60x60cm、60x40cm、90x60cm、80x80cmなど。 |
ポーランド語学位 | 磨かれた程度: ≥ 85 |
厚さ: | 1cm、1.5cm、2cm、またはあなたの要求として |
支払い: | TT経由30%デポジット、TTまたはL/C at sightによるバランス |
サンプル・ポリシー | 無料サンプル |
デザイン | あなたの要求に従ってカスタマイズされるサイズおよび形 |
使用方法 | 敷石 |
パッケージング: | タイルは発泡プラスチックで梱包され、燻蒸処理された丈夫な木枠に入れられる。 |
アドバンテージだ: | 石材分野で10年以上の経験。採石場、工場、商社を所有し、迅速な配達、最高の品質、サービスを保証します。 |
three ways to use granite tiles in interior design:
For Your Countertops. Countertops are the most common use for granite other than exterior walls. They’re the perfect tiles for your countertops because they’re heat and water-resistant, as well as easy to clean. It’s definitely a must in your kitchen. They work well with traditional and contemporary interior designs.
For Your Floor. It’s not used as often, but you can use granite for your interior tiles. Your bathrooms, living rooms, and corridors are the perfect places to use granite tiles. These places could use some granite tiles because they can resist abrasion and it has low porosity. Make sure that you choose the right finish to ensure a non-slip floor.
For Your Stairs. You can use a granite tread on your stairs. They don’t only give a stronger finish to your stairs, but they also give a beautiful [visual] effect on the stairs as a whole. It can be finished to show a clean and polished surface.
When you get creative and think out of the box, you’ll be surprised by the many ways you can use granite tiles in your interior. They’re a gift to interior design. They’re strong and durable, so you know that they’ll last a long time.