





Bookmatched or vein flow Volakas White Marble Tile from Esta Stone consists of dolomite marble pieces. Volakas Marble is a white background marble with diagonal brownish-grey veins and clouds, creating a sense of movement that is harmonically combined to convey a unique and distinctive identity.

The finest natural white marble stone, Volakas, is a white marble quarried in Greece. This Greek White Marble is perfect for Exterior – Interior wall and floor applications, monuments, countertops, mosaics, fountains, pools, and other design projects.

  • Marble Products: Polished White Volakas Marble Bookmatched Floor and Wall Tiles
  • Marble Material: Volakas Marble, Bianco Volakas Venato Marble
  • Marble Tile Size: 600*600, 600*1200, 1200*1200
  • 大理石の厚さ:15mm、18mm、20mm、25mm、30mmなど。
  • 大理石の表面磨き、本磨き
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • White Marble Supplier: Esta Stone
  • Natural Marble Application: Esta Stone provides natural white marble tiles for Multiple Applications for Construction and Decorative Purposes, commercial and residential building projects, hospitals, restaurants, bars, airports, malls, offices, exterior wall and interior flooring, and walls.

Sivec Polaris Marble

Sivec Polaris Marble is a premium natural stone renowned for its striking white background and subtle gray veining. Originating from the rich quarries of Greece, this marble is prized for its elegant appearance and durability, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications. Sivec marble is one of the most famous white marbles in the world, and it is extracted in Macedonia. our premium quality Bianco Sivec marble is exported in large quantities to many developing countries such as Brazil, Singapore, United Arab Emirates for the construction of large projects such as public buildings, luxury hotels and so on.

  1. Marble Item: Greek Bianco Sivec Polaris White Marble Polished Slabs
  2. White Marble TilesSize: 300×600, 600×600, 600×150, 457×457, 800×800 mm
  3. 厚さ:1.8cm、2cm、3cmなど
  4. 表面ポリッシュ、ホーンド、フレイム、レザー
  5. MOQ: 300 SQM
  6. Natural White Marble Factory: ESTA STONE
  7. Usages: Our Sivec Polaris Marble is Suit for cutting kitchen and bathroom tiles, Interior and Exterior Wall Facade
  8. Application: Esta Stone offers Sivec Polaris Marble for Hotel, Villa, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, Supermarket, warehouse, workshop, park, farmhouse, and courtyard kitchen and bathroom projects.


Bianco Dolomite Marble is a medium-variation White marble imported from Turkey in Esta Stone Factory. Our Bianco Dolomite Marble Slab is available as floor tiles, decorative mosaics, and wall tiles. This low-contrast blend of arctic white and pale gray is perfect for marble floors, decorative mosaics, and wall tiles in home and business environments. The elegant pattern of Bianco Dolomite White Marble is a refined choice for any interior installation, such as a hotel lobby, wall, or office building project.

  • Natural White Marble Item: Bianco Dolomite Marble Polished Slabs
  • Marble Stone: Bianco Dolomite Marble, Dolomiti White Marble, Turkish Marble
  • Marble Tile Size:600*600、600*1200、1200*1200
  • 大理石の厚さ:15mm、18mm、20mm、25mm、30mmなど。
  • 大理石の表面磨き、本磨き
  • MOQ: 200 SQM
  • 白大理石タイル工場:エスタストーン
  • Marble Application: Esta Stone provides natural White Marble Tiles for Multiple Applications in Construction and Decorative Purposes, Commercial and residential Building Projects, Hospitals, Restaurants, Bars, Airports, Malls, Offices, Exterior Walls, and interior Flooring and Walls.

Columbia White Marble

An Everlasting Sign of Exquisiteness and Magnificence with Esta Stone’s Polished Columbia White Marble

Columbia White Marble is a highly sought-after natural stone with traditional charm and everlasting beauty. This magnificent marble, mined from a few select areas worldwide, is now recognized in the world of architecture and design as a symbol of richness and elegance. Designers, architects, and homeowners have all fallen in love with Columbia White Marble because of its innate refinement and pure white backdrop decorated with exquisite veining.

  1. White Marble Item: Columbia White Marble Slabs For Indoor Floor and Wall Projects
  2. White Marble Stone: Columbia White Marble, Natural White Marble
  3. Marble Size:1800*600、2400*1200、2800*1500
  4. 大理石の厚さ:15mm、18mm、20mm、25mm、30mmなど。
  5. 表面ポリッシュ、ホーニング
  6. MOQ: 300 SQM
  7. 白大理石工場エスタストーン
  8. White Marble Usages: Esta Stone provides high-quality Columbia White Marble for Multiple Applications for Construction and Decorative Purposes, Commercial & Residential Building Projects, Hospitals, Restaurants, Bars, Airports, Malls, Offices, Exterior Wall & Interior Flooring and Wall



  • 白大理石製品イタリア産アラベスカート白大理石スラブとタイル
  • 御影石の色: アラベスカート大理石; ホワイト大理石
  • 白大理石タイル サイズ:300×600、600×600、600×150、457×457、800×800 mm
  • 厚さ:1.8cm、2cm、3cmなど
  • 表面ポリッシュ、ホーニング、レザー
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • 白い大理石工場エスタストーン
  • 用途エスタ・ストーンは、ホテル、ショッピングモール、オフィスビル、邸宅、その他の不動産などの商業ビルにおいて、スラブ、タイル、カウンタートップ、階段、柱に至るまで、高級内装プロジェクト用に60種類以上のイタリア産大理石を提供している。



White Marble Calacatta

Delving into luxury, the allure of Italian White Marble Calacatta Slabs with polished surface treatment in Esta Stone Warehouse is undeniable. A quintessence of elegance and a beacon of timeless charm, these luxury white Italian marble stones emanate the very spirit of Italy, reflecting its history, craftsmanship, and natural panorama. The aesthetics are elevated by the polished treatment of white marble jumbo slabs, and cut-to-size tile, unique veining, and a compelling allure that only luxury white marble possesses.

  1. イタリア産白大理石カラカッタ大理石ジャンボスラブ(カットタイル用
  2. 天然大理石:カラカッタ・ホワイト大理石、イタリア産カラカッタ大理石
  3. 標準大理石スラブ:2400upx1200up、2800upx1500up、2900upx1600up、またはお客様のご要望による
  4. 厚さ:20,30mm
  5. 表面:ポリッシュとホーニングが最適
  6. MOQ: 100 SQM
  7. 高級白大理石工場エスタストーン
  8. マーブル・オリジナルイタリア
  9. Marble Application: Natural White Marble Calacatta Slab, Tile, and Countertops from Esta Stone are ideal for residential homes, commercial buildings, luxury hotels, shopping malls, office spaces, and historical restorations.


18/30mm thickness White Statuario Marble Slabs from Esta Stone is a quintessential Italian marble, used to carve many of Italy’s most fabulous sculptures. It is strikingly white, with cool grey and black veins accentuating the surface. Refined, clean, and proper in any setting, 100% natural Staturaio Marble is a true classic and timeless for any luxury interior decoration project.

  • White Marble Products: Italian Statuario Marble Slab For Countertops and Tiles
  • White Marble: Statuario White Marble, White Marble, Italian Marble, Luxury Marble
  • Marble Standard Slabs: 2400upx1200up,2800upx1500up or Based on Customer’s Request
  • 厚さ:20,30mm
  • 表面本磨き、つや消し、ブラシ仕上げ
  • MOQ: 300 SQM
  • Statuario Marble Factory: Esta Stone
  • Marble Application: Esta Stone provides natural Italian White Staturaio Marble Slab for Multiple Applications for Construction and Decorative Purposes, Commercial & Residential Building Projects, Hospitals, Restaurants, Bars, Airports, Malls, Offices, Exterior Wall & Interior Flooring and Wall