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According to our kitchen and bathroom sales and design team, granite costs between $55 and $100 per square foot while quartz costs between $60 and $100 per square foot. At the most basic level, granite starts with lower material costs than quartz, but quartz and granite countertops rise to a higher price per square foot for the highest quality. If you want a quartz or granite countertop, but the price on a large scale is prohibitive, consider using it on an island with a countertop.
The cost of a granite or quartz countertop depends on the thickness of the top, the color of the edges, the profile (square, round or beveled), and whether or not it contains sinks. In an average kitchen with a 30-square-foot countertop, quartz countertops can cost between $2,100 and $3,000 to install, compared to $1,800 to $8,100 for granite countertops. On the other hand, simple granite slabs (the most common black or brown color) are cheaper than branded quartz slabs.
As you can see, many variables play a role in determining the average cost of granite versus quartz. At the top end, granite costs about $200 per square foot, while quartz prices can be as high as $175. The cost of the quartz worktop compared to the granite worktop is also determined by the shipping costs.
While the price debate between granite and quartz is far from over, there are other factors to consider such as durability, functionality, and lifestyle when choosing what countertop to invest in. This guide will hopefully help you get a better idea of the costs and other factors you should consider when buying granite or quartz for your home.
Granite and quartz are technical stones that are high-quality countertop materials that increase the real estate value of a house. While granite and quartz countertops can provide homeowners with years of enjoyment, performance, and beauty, each type of countertop has its weaknesses, appearance, and cost, so you should consider purchasing granite or quartz countertops for your home. Granite worktops are made of 100 percent stone or quartz, 93 percent of which are natural materials, the rest consist of color pigments, polymers, and resins that connect the worktops.
If you decide to do it yourself, both granite and quartz worktops can be installed in the same way. However, a do-it-yourself installation is not recommended due to the high weight of the stones as slabs.
The best prices for quartz and granite countertops are offered by your local stone company, which acts as a middleman. Most people choose quartz because they think it is cheaper, but you can buy more expensive quartz, and then it is more expensive than granite slabs.
A quartz or granite countertop can cost $50 to $100 per square foot to install. The cost difference between quartz and granite countertops is a matter of proximity to a natural granite source or a stone yard. The determination of the cost of quartz versus granite depends on the individual project specifications.
The granite looks more natural and expensive, while quartz is cheaper and looks more artificial. In my area quartz has the highest price and most of the granite is colored.
Customers who ask are spoilt for a choice between granite and quartz for their kitchen countertops. Whether it is a kitchen conversion, a bathroom conversion, or another construction project, granite or quartz are the two best alternatives on the market. Although quartz has always been more expensive than granite, the price trend is beginning to change.
In August 2018, Consumer Reports found that homeowners have to pay roughly the same for granite as they do for quartz, at least for kitchen and bathroom countertops. Granite is a natural stone that has to be sealed twice a year but costs less than quartz. Consumer Reports recommends quartz instead of granite because it is easier to lay, many contractors are willing to charge less for projects with technical stone, and it is less difficult to trim it and less prone to breakage during the installation process.
The interlocking minerals of white feldspar, grey quartz, and black mica in granite give the granite countertops a natural streak and swirl that can vary in shape and size from one point on the plate, resulting in a diverse appearance. Granite slabs are unique and contain imperfections, but it is a natural stone. While quartz countertops are technical products with a uniform appearance, there are many colors and unique patterns, including shapes that are not reminiscent of granite.
While the light patina of quartz conceals seams and joints between adjacent slabs, granite countertops, which have a darker patina due to their mica component, make seams more visible.
There is a risk that your new granite will be damaged, but quartz countertops are less risky to install yourself. If you are an enthusiastic stove that uses a range of hot pots on your countertop, you can avoid granite countertops and work on changing this habit so that you do not damage your quartz countertop.
Price is not the only factor that determines whether you complete your conversion project with granite or quartz. Most homeowners pay attention to the budget and the best way to choose between granite and quartz for their workplace project. One homeowner might tell you to get a quartz countertop, and another might insist that you buy a granite countertop.
Owners of quartz and granite countertops vigorously defend their personal choices and are satisfied with their switches. Most companies with granite and quartz countertops have plenty of extras to attach to.